Miss-Informed Opinion

Don't get me wrong I don't dislike Meg as a character, I just don't like how all the other characters treat her. Yeah Chris, is a possibility, but I also think they might do something similar to when The Simpsons killed off Fat Tony and 'Fit Tony' replaced him. Something like Brian dies and his identical twin brother

They're killing a character off this season ('An unnamed episode will have one of the Griffin family members killed and replaced by a new character' - http://en.wikipedia.org/wik…
), I kind of hope its Meg, just because I'm so bored of the Meg hatred.
Sure, it will be a lousy episode (my guess is they'll build it up

Speaking as a latter day Family Guy apologist, I still have to say I
hated this. The Meg hatred was borderline tolerable when it was
restricted to just the rest of her family hating her and not her
principle and everyone else in the world. This isn't down to an innate
sense of humanity (heck I'm punching a cat as I

I thought it was just nice to be able to watch an animated show tonight that wasn't somehow related to Apple. Ahem, Simpsons and Family Guy.

Yes, but this is from the Daily Mail. So it is probably best to assume its bull-shit

Sadist moment of all, tonight was the last time we'll see or hear Saul (on Breaking Bad).

I re-watched the season 2 episode of Breaking Bad where Walter says 'fuck you' to Gretchen and now I love the Granite State ending even more. That was the most pent-up, venomous, 'fuck you' ever. Gretchen is the embodiment of the archetype of the selfish asshole trying to present herself as a gentle soul and a victim;

I'd quite like the very last scene to be a flash-back of Walter teaching Jessie at the high school.

Just on the subject of cool music for the finale, I'd quite like a load of clips following Walter Whites trajectory to drugs king-pin to the fall of his empire with Radios Heads Karma Police as background music. Please make it happen youtube.

Thanks EHB, you're definitely right about the neighbour thing : )

I agree VBfan, the vacuum clean guy also said thathis neighbour was taking care of the kids, whilst Skyler was at work. So presumably, after she drops the oranges - Walt will try and get hold of the kids (for goodbyes etc).

Loved, loved, loved this episode, it could have been the ultimate filler or cool down episode (i.e. the episode between where his empire burns and next weeks finale), but it was actually a really essential episode. I am officially rooting for Walt again (perhaps for the first time since the end of season 2). When he

different cooks x 2

Yeah, though I actually quite enjoyed it, Stress Relief is definitely a weird one. I'm in the UK so didn't get to see US Office episodes until a little while after they were originally shown. I'm glad you mentioned the reason for the format change was to lure more people in off the back of the Superbowl, because it

Frost- Nixon?

Every episode of the UK office was not 40 odd minutes long. They were originally broadcast on the BBC channel in the UK and filled an half hour slot. Because unlike US shows, there are no commercials before, after or during the show, the actual episodes themselves would have been about 28 minutes long. The only

People literally use extreme hyperbole…literally

Thanks boob lady

More like 'aching blad[er]'

I am going for a bit of an outsider and say Marie. I think other people who harbor a grudge against Walt are probably a bit more hard-core than petty vandalism. Or if it isn't Marie, it comes out in the press that Walt is Heisenberg so the other world knows and therefore it was written by one of the skaters.