
@avclub-a74751295995aad6799bb16021522543:disqus Nothing wrong with calling some pussy because you like The Lake House. Increases the odds that it'll actually come.

@disqus_SHv8DoYfkF:disqus I saw the movie yesterday.

Yeah. They could have saved themselves the clunky attempts at schmaltzy backstory, and just had Clooney go "the things we do for charity eh, Sandra?" as they're fixing the space station. Boom, instant characterization.

@avclub-21cb1137b6aab4de4328a8c698770071:disqus Hm? Bullock HAS an Oscar, for dang The Blind Side no less.

Nah, she really doesn't. She gives a bland, lukewarm bowl of oatmeal of a performance that any semi-comptetent actress could have done.

I obviously mean that in the literal sense: "I thought this film was going to be almost completely silent". Not "I thought that this was going to be in the style of a silent film".

@e_buzz_miller:disqus Well, I get'cha; I don't want anyone to be dissuaded from seeing it based on these flaws. The spectacle alone makes it more than worth the price of admission.

OR it's my genuine, subjective opinion that I didn't think this was a particularly good movie.

@avclub-f8f8c273f326be25421cc62737d24a9e:disqus Did he tell you "Eeeh, you shouldn't have gotten your hopes up"?

The Dickens, you say!

Re: casting and cost - see above, this was still half the budget of most of today's blockbusters, and I think they stand to make a shitload off of this film. My IMAX 3D screening was totally packed; that didn't even happen with The Hobbit, which I saw on opening night.

It's not exactly a gradual shift, though. She goes from "WAAAAHARGABLEGARBLE we all gonna DIE!!" to basically being McBain like the flip of a switch, in the course of five minutes.

It's not THAT big budget. $100 million, pretty much half of what most of the other blockbusters of the summer got. And it's directed by a visionary, accomplished filmmaker who's made smart, big films before. And it was promoted as being a somewhat intelligent thriller, not just a theme park ride.

Gravity: I don't know, you guys. It is of course as technically stunning as one could possibly ever imagine, but…I didn't expect it to be so fucking dumb. The script is pretty atrocious, with Bullock's character suddenly changing personality halfway through and starting to make quippy one-liners ("Today's prognosis:

The man never quoted The Simpsons in his life!

*sigh* Yeah…that's his critique of everything. "The Sweet Hereafter is emotionally powerful, but would it have killed Egoyan to put some plump buttcheeks in there?

Exactly. "Tarantino's films are so violent, they're almost like pulp fiction!"

Here's a like for liking The Like.

I'm sure this movie is terrible, but using "Argento’s blood is so deeply red, it looks like ketchup" as a critique makes it sound like the reviewer has never seen an Argento film before.

Yeah, that was my first thought as well. "Huh, guess this is from yesterday's episode that I haven't seen yet."