
The A.V. Club

They shouldn't.

Eh, doesn't make much of a difference to the snark that the punchable-looking fun. jackoff she's dating plays guitar instead of sing.

Oh honey, guess you haven't met my ex-wife! *studio audience laughs*

Oh, he's the guitarist? Jack Antonoff (yup!) The articles just said "Dunham dating fun. frontman". I guess I couldn't believe there could be that many punchable ding-dongs in one band.

He's dating Lena Dunham, to boot. Not that it necessarily makes him more punchable, but it is fucking perfect that the creator of "Girls" and the frontman of fun. are dating each other. And she used a song of his in the season finale!

I would say she's even more attractive where the sun DOESN'T shine.

Huh. I have no doubt that story is true, but I have a distinct memory of him saying "I was making fun of Borat" in a mocking tone of voice.

That first Tyres episode is so fucking good, and the cause of one of my college years' biggest weed-induced "whoa" moments.

Some speculation here: I do believe there is some genuine animosity from Scott Aukerman towards Sacha Baron-Cohen. I remember Scott telling a story on the podcast (way, way back) of working as a writer for the MTV Awards the year "Borat" came out, and him being fired for "making fun of Borat." He didn't tell it in a

For me, the problem isn't so much the straight-up sequels and such; it's more episodes like "Mac Day", which takes what has been an unspoken undercurrent throughout the show (Mac is gay and insecure) and makes it the focus of a whole episode. It's funny as hell in the moment, but when shows start doing that it's

I'm surprised at the sheer number of downvotes Mr. Bill is getting for what I feel is a pretty self-evident argument. There WERE a lot of retreads/sequels this season, weren't there? Definitely felt like a season "for the fans" - almost as if this was the last season.

Like her all you want, but it shouldn't surprise you that she's hated here. She acts like the most godawful kind of Manic Pixie Dream Girl, and when she's not being twee she is being a pretentious gasbag. Narcissistic, greedy, and a terrible influence on the public image of a beloved author. I have never cringed

Lucky dude. No fucking way I'll look 50 when I'm 44.

I know. I used to listen to his podcast, and the man certainly is not homophobic; it is however a little weird how he finds "LOL U suk diks" to be a HI-laaarious, effective insult, considering.

I do find it interesting that a man who so frequently writes dialogue mocking people for being gay had zero qualms about casting Alanis Morisette as God.

Bit of a cheat, but what about Ripley?

I was thinking just straight-up quantity of movies than can be said to be legitimately "good". And hey, no reason that excludes the Black Emmanuel series. Going by the Ebert definition of "does what it sets out to do" in terms of "good", here.

OoooooOOooooh, you're THAT guy. Chris-R, right? Mr. "You're not allowed to dislike a film if you haven't directed a movie yourself"?

Fuck ONLY the eight one? I agree it's goddamn awful, but are, say, 4 and 5 really any better? 1-7 aren't exactly untouchable classics; only the first one is a legitimately good movie, really.