
I get your point, but I think we are mainly just baffled by the people who enjoy it. Most people who watch crap like Duck Dynasty and Two and a Half Men usually have pretty terrible taste otherwise too.

@avclub-e129a878f7b0e5aa9ac09e0282f64ea6:disqus "I'm not like everyone else! I've read EVERY single Harry Potter book!"

@NathanielTheGreat:disqus What? No. I'm referring to bros who believe that enjoying billion-selling video games and superhero movies makes you a nerd, and that male nerds are hilarious and female nerds are super hot. I'm sure this girl genuinely enjoys GTA, by all means.

A girl I'm friends with posted "GTA 5 <3" on her Facebook wall the other day. It got dozens and dozens of likes, with tons of bros commenting "daaayum, I just looove nerdy chicks!!!"

They're like US, dum-dum! They're fucking NERDS!! What with their Trek Wars and their Spiderboy t-shirts, ha-YUK! BAZONCHA!!

*blindly plunges hand deep into @avclub-9349e20458f64c9bfb83b5221e145937:disqus's box of popcorn, grabs hold of something*

Well, let's have the obvious thread of people asking why anyone with a semblance of taste would ever enjoy this god-awful Two and a Half Men-esque piece of shit.

Wednesday's become a veritable Meg White!

I think it's more of a case of alienating your considerable fanbase because you took the easy way out.

100% agree with you. I'm a massive The Knife fan too, along with digging Purity Ring, Ladytron and all the other, similar, recent bands.

I'm with you, @disqus_YFLJH0LIMM:disqus. Very samey sounding record to me. Not sure what everyone else is hearing. (Although, uh, @GhaleonQ:disqus seems to explain WHY it's good quite well. Still don't like it, personally!)

Haha, everyone get a load of this MGMT superfan!

My theory is that MGMT feels threatened by the prospect of actually trying to write a well-crafted pop song in the vein of "Kids" or "Electric Feel" again, so they take the easy option of being all WEIRD instead. After all, if you don't like it it's just because you don't GET it.

Going out with a wet plop of runny diarrhea…MY GOD. Dexter was the one poisoned by Walt's ricin.

@e_buzz_miller:disqus Her reading was that the monolith symbolizes man's knowledge and technology and such being bestowed upon the apes - which does kinda fit with the "future humans created it" theory @avclub-6997a8bd0e1042b70b60c5c879a1780e:disqus mentioned. She saw it as being far more symbolic than I did, though.

I can attest to Spaced - and pretty much every Wright movie - being tons of fun intoxicated.

I might come to a similar conclusion as you upon rewatching - and God knows the movie's stuck with me since I saw it - but what do you mean is the "least effective way to watch it"? Drunk? Or trying to pick up on the setups that will be paid off later on?

Well, no way you would have inferred that from me just saying "the monolith symbolizes God", so I think we were in agreement all along and I was just being a little unclear.

I mean it more in the sense that certain things that we think of as caused by "God" turns out to be due to an object sent by aliens or time-travelers. Not that the Judeo-Christian God sent the monolith or what have you, but that aliens/whatever were behind human evolution and knowledge all along - a role religion

Sure, but did he still think it turned out better than Kubrick's film? I work in film, and just because I made something myself doesn't necessarily mean I think it turned out great.