
His reasons for thinking it's a bad adaptation are fair enough, but it also speaks of a deep misunderstanding of what makes a good movie opposed to what makes a good film.

Trust me, a pretty pretentious argument broke out between me and my girlfriend regarding whether the monolith symbolizes God or not. I say it does. Or at least divine knowledge as imparted by the Apple of Eden, causing the apes to go from animal to man with all that implies. I thought that was a pretty

The League has its moments, but its undoing for me is how bro-tastic it gets. Male friendship is seen as nothing but an endless torrent of verbial abuse and put-downs (yes yes, I know: The AV Club etc etc), every man is either a relentless poon-hound or a downtrodden husband, and a woman is only worth something if she

I assume the movie version of this will someday be used to prove that 9/11 was an inside job.

As always, I watched a veritable buttload of movies. And a pretty good haul it was, too! (NOTE: all were accompanied by a craft beer or two of some sort, as I recently bought a big crate with all different sort of fancy beers. I'll include a note on the beers I had with the film.)

Looking at that lady, it should be called Dog With a Blog.

Greasing up for his gig as "Nasty Nate".

That song does end with the neglected toy murdering a bitch, though.

You know, I never really thought about it, but Samberg IS considerably mouth.

The dong is coming inside the computer!

Imagine a screenplay by Diablo Braff.

Or "KEVIN!!", shrieked like Catherine O' Hara in Home Alone.

Worth it just for that Far Side: The Movie comment!

Finally someone who gets it.

…The Aristocats!

This is the internet. Wishing death upon a perfectly nice guy who makes cartoons you don't particularly like can hardly be considered "harsh".

Sadly, 9/11 did not change Seth MacFarlane. From "alive" to "dead". He was originally supposed to be on one of those planes, but missed his flight.

Thought you were referring to Frank Miller at first, and got quite confused. It does kinda sound like a line from Sin City, though.

Did 9/11 really "change" Frank Miller, though? Didn't it just kinda goad him into exposing that he had been a right-wing shithead all along, that what we had taken as satire was actually dead-serious ramblings from a wrongheaded, racist, misogynist turd?

@avclub-b750f74544cb00c138079607276995e9:disqus played that kid in Volcano (or was it fucking Dante's Peak?) who, upon looking out at a myriad of people all covered in soot, remarks "They all look the SAME!"