
Who would think Hader is the big draw on CBB! tonight when you have FOURVEL? Better get those mnemonic devices ready!

Punch ups are one thing, but these people are all friends and this is a passion project - I don't think this is just some bullshit production where, say, Rob Huebel says his lines, cashes his paycheck and leaves.

I was referring more to the involvement of Rob Huebel, Paul Scheer, Michael Ian Black, Rob Corddry etc. etc…you'd think that this cast would have contributed SOMETHING to the screenplay.

Does this movie finally answer the question "What's black and slides down Nelson's column?"

Turtle got an "Entouraged by" credit.

Again: Lennon-Garant, writers of the Night at the Museum movies. Having seen both those and Hell Baby…it shows.

A Haunted House transcends cinema, so there can be no comparison.

I'm stunned at the good grade. And from D'Angelo, no less! I watched this a few weeks ago, and it is way worse than you could possibly imagine. The jokes are all sub-grade Scary Movie stuff: there are gross old ghosts giving unsuspecting men blow jobs, priests farting and burping, and a seance where everyone gets

Shitty CGI can ruin comedy even more than it can ruin horror, though.

I agree wholeheartedly on this needing a "For Your Consideration"!

That's when it truly turned awful, maybe, but the real decline started when they killed off Doakes.

Yeah, there's also the fact that "crown of shit" sounds fucking ridiculous.

Filthy as they may be, Stefan Urquelle's would be filthier.

I found this EP to be surprisingly good! None of it really sounds like anything they've done before, which is understandable; it's been 22 dang years since their last album. If anything, some of the songs sound a bit like the more off-brand Pixies songs on "Bossanova".


He is hilarious, and I think Dave and Graham's coldness only inspires further goofy-ass dad jokes from him. Works for me!

I used to love Li'l Gary, but at this point the voice has evolved into total, utter incomprehensibility. Can't understand a word Lennon is saying when he does it anymore.

Change the verbs in your parentheses to present tense, and you've basically said all that ever needs to be said about Rogen.

It's very much an album experience for me - it flows beautifully. I didn't really get into it until I bought the vinyl and listened to the whole thing through a few times (yeah, I know how pretentious this sounds).

He truly is terrifyingly buff. Almost like he is trying to be the Anti-Carrot Top.