
I mostly agree with you on the ones I've heard: totally with you on The Knife, for example. It is an album I greatly admire, but fuck if I ever feel like listening to it. Yet "Silent Shout" still gets airplay at least once a month. Same with the Bowie, Daft Punk and Boards of Canada albums: two weeks of constant

The face of a man who spent way too long in his Volvo Of Despair.

Breaking Beaver.

That's Jesse's plan: turning Walter White good by taking him to a Dawes concert.

@avclub-2e907f44e0a9616314cf3d964d4e3c93:disqus Yeah, that's what they're talking about. Check it out, they totally sync up.

And the way Marie thinks about purple suitcases.

But a terrible moviegoer. Isn't playing around on a tablet gonna distract everyone else? I know, I know: it's just the One Direction movie. But I wouldn't want some tween to be playing Angry Birds on her iPad in front of me in a theatre, just because we're watching "some dumb shit about an old faggot riding a tractor

@disqus_G6KJ0mAlB5:disqus Man, that "there's a Big Lebowski reference in MLP!"-argument sure gets trotted out a lot when it comes to justifying why this is TOTALLY for adults.

Yes, because everything else he wrote (like "While they may not be legal in certain repressive Western cultures which deny the true range of male/domesticated animal sexuality") was totally A-OK and fully justified the whole post.

You know, it doesn't matter how many endless posts you write defending yourself from claims of perversion. If you end it with "I'll get back into my hugbox with all the other ponies ^_^", you're gonna lose that battle.

The A.V. Club

Yes indeed.

We find The Devil Wears Prada relatively skillful, and here's why you should, too!

*gasps* Hannibal is the name of a SHOW about a murderer!

Awesome. I introduced the head of my film school to Breaking Bad: he devoured all (then) three seasons in a weekend, and used scenes as examples through the rest of the semester. The amount of detail that goes into directing that show is astonishing.

There are of course a plethora of ways a director/cinematographer can draw attention to an object in a frame, be it through the rule of thirds, lighting, some sort of set design, placing something centreframe, etc. etc.

By all means; I think that's what I'm doing above. I just thought it looked funny to follow a post where you said "no" with one where I said "yes" without acknowledging that fact.

Well, the frame you are referring to is a static image though, if I recall this episode correctly. The deer isn't moving, either.

Universal Studios? I was there just a couple of weeks ago (the one in Singapore, but I have been to the one in LA a few years back and they seem to all be quite similar) - what did you feel like you learned about filmmaking there? My overall experience was that nothing there had anything to do with the craft of film,

I am a former film student (now a filmmaker…of sorts), and I can confirm that the rule of thirds does indeed sometimes apply to cinema as well. You divide your frame with three horizontal lines and three vertical lines, all placed at equal distances to each other, and place your subjects where the lines intersect.