
@avclub-1922cc1dc1286b56a2d99b7f1aa0630c:disqus Yes, what @avclub-02c1dd6ad234773aeffd7f7067784d58:disqus said. "Tonight" was pretty much completely overlooked everywhere, and one good Pitchfork review doesn't make up for that fact.

Not a lot of those angular "post-post-punk" bands of the early 00's have held up very well at all, have they?

Glad to see this get a good review here, after Pitchfork's quite negative review yesterday. (Yeah, I know: of course Pitchfork would be down on a band that was "hip" ten years ago, but they actually gave their wildly underrated 3rd LP "Tonight" a very good review.)

That does indeed sound like very lightest way your mind could get blown.

Yeah, I think a lot of people were expecting the strong, silent badass Gosling of Drive - and with him being quiet in this film, looking as cool as he does, running a Thai boxing ring/drug trade, you can forgive them for judging it based on that.

Speaking of Michael Caine, indeed.

"I am developing a crush on a fellow AVClubber" - somewhere, Sluggo's ears* are burning.

What I would have LIKED to be doing is watch The World's End with some smuggled-in brew, but since that doesn't premiere in Asia for another month I had to watch some other movies like a FOOL.

@avclub-fc2c219a94ec33d657d2c11330829857:disqus Yeah, I do believe he says so on the commentary track.

That episode came out in 2000, though.

Here in Asia we still gotta wait one more month, sadly. Probably my most-anticipated film of 2013.

So what DID Dowd spray over these fresh blankets, then?

@avclub-6997a8bd0e1042b70b60c5c879a1780e:disqus Thank you kindly for making me imagine "WALT WHITMAN MOOLTITOODS!" said in the manner of "Leeloo Dallas multipass".

"No sir, I don't like it."
- The Sharia

Yeah, it's fucked up that a dude with such a pleasant voice looks like the cancer-ridden offspring between a pedophile and a water-smoothened pebble.

Gotta be tough to do a documentary on Muhammad where you explain how real Islam is peaceful and kind, knowing full well that if you show a depiction of your documentary subject you'll be chopped into little pieces before the first commercial break.

Do they shed some light on whether Muhammad's Medina was indeed funky and/or cold?

*sharts* Bro!

Not sure if you mean the first season of Veep is the only season on Netflix, but if not: there are TWO season of the show! Second one is even greater than the first.

To repeat what I told @avclub-f8f8c273f326be25421cc62737d24a9e:disqus last week: don't watch the Twin Peaks movie Fire Walk With Me before the TV show! It may be a prequel, but it spoils the mystery of the whole first season and then some.