
1. You mean in the premise, or in the actual completed film? I think the premise of a horror comedy with this talent behind it sounds like it could be excellent, although it kinda seems like the US has lost the ability to make a good horror comedy in general. (With the arguable exception of Cabin in the Woods;

I get my kicks ABOVE the waistline, sunshine!

It truly makes a hard man humble.

Watched plenty of films this weekend, thanks in part to a business trip to Thailand that required a long plane journey:

Is Stephan King Stephen King's alternate flamboyant Casanova-persona?

@avclub-7105f7f2eff89eb19fc9014f6baa257a:disqus For me it was her "The Ruins of Contracoeur" novelette from the 999 anthology. And yeah, of course "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?"

@avclub-a883fabbbec60032a0c7359a7351c122:disqus Again, it's his Twitter. His M.O. is usually writing something about Islam or somesuch religion that sounds super racist, get enraged responses, and then mocking everyone for misunderstanding what he REALLY meant.

Eeeh, Tin Machine 1 is definitely not GOOD, but I think "Heaven's In Here" and "Baby Can Dance" are pretty good songs, and "I Can't Read" is great.

Man, why does he have to be such a ding-dong publicly too. I mean, he's a very smart man.

I've watched all his TV shows, listened to all his podcasts, seen his stand-up, and even downloaded that massive library of his old XFM show with Merchant and listened to all of it. I feel like I have a pretty good grasp of who he is, or at least his public persona.

David Bowie, for me. There are even some Tin Machine, Tonight and Never Let Me Down songs on my iPod. ("Goodbye Mr. Ed", "Blue Jean" and "Time Will Crawl" respectively - all great songs, dammit!)

Jim Carrey is another grown-ass man with plenty of great performances under his belt who nevertheless tweets like a brain-damaged 9-year old.

Try reading Gervais' Twitter feed, and I think you'd see why he's so reviled.

Well, you're obviously a fan of pandering.

Yeah, The Straight Story is undeniably a fantastic film no matter who made it; it just adds another layer to it when you realize that this touching, gentle tale was made by Mr. Baby-Wants-To-Fuck himself.

Dang man, you mean you saw all those David Lynch films for the very first time? How I envy you. Be sure to save Fire Walk With Me until you finish the full series of Twin Peaks - it's a prequel, so spoilers ahoy. (The weaker second half of Twin Peaks is worth slogging through for the amazing Lynch-directed series


Someone on these boards have suggested a couple of times a series about Tom Waits and Ron Perlman as two brothers who run a junkyard (?), and they accidentally open a portal to hell in the Nevada desert.

Starring Rob Schneider.

"It's your cousin, Luis Guzman! I've got those new tarantula-bitten testicles you were looking for!"