
What a TERRIBLE fucking review!!

@avclub-01247eb6470421cad3d92afdc82b48fa:disqus Threads only go three deep because Disqus is fucking awful. You embed other people's profiles by typing "@" followed by the person's username (although I think that they need to be commenting on the article already for it to work).

Stoker's fantastic.

Yeah, Werner Herzog was gonna be the new showrunner.

Boy howdy, this Hannibal show really COOKS!

Agreed. I work as a movie editor, and this article is riddled with misunderstandings regarding what constitutes "good editing".

It's good, but it's not Osmosis Jones-good.

And, of course, written by Kevin Smith. HOW COULD THIS GO WRONG

Yeah, but I don't see the reason to declare you've cleaned up your spelling and grammar.

That's a typo.

Did they hastily replace it? It shows up as "Œuf" for me now (30 minutes after your post).

Dang, man. You sure do go on about what idiots people who complain about your GoT spoilers are. Feels like I see you make this exact post on every other article, none of them GoT-related. What gives?

Disturbing Scientology voicemails!

The Pillow Pit and The Pendulum

"EVEN" Venture Bros? I think they're both excellent shows, but when it comes to emotional investment, Venture Bros is vastly, vastly superior to the well-oiled joke machine of Archer.

There is no "maybe" about that last one.

Instead of protesting with random food and music threads, the only comment on the TI every week should just be your "go fuck yourself, Gillette."

Can't you kinda say that about every item in the index?

The Thermals, I guess. I just played their new album while packing to move house, and my girlfriend asked why the fuck we were listening to My Chemical Romance. Boo.

Wow, really sticking it to Jerry Seinfeld's video podcast. FINALLY.