Rich Uncle Skeleton

> I mean, I'm not really using it…

Although there was the scene where Ripley sees a picture of her own (grand?)daughter as an old woman. The whole Newt thing makes a lot more sense after that.

I think it's a weirdly fitting end. You're really geared up for the big end and with all of the dying that's gone down, you're almost sure that either Eric or Frank or possibly the dad is gonna kick the bucket and the non-bloody end feels kind of like a sigh of relef (even though it isn't a "happy ending" in any sense

I think it's because it was his first published work and kind of fucked-up and (sigh) controversial at the time. I still say he wrote better non-SF books, The Bridge and Walking on Glass leap to mind.

Just out of interest, what did you find wrong with the ending?

I wonder why they used a picture of Billy Corgan for the header.

bathetic |bəˈθɛtɪk|
producing an unintentional effect of anticlimax: the movie manages to be poignant without becoming bathetic.

I watched that for the first time recently and was seriously impressed. The production design alone was gorgeous, plus it had plenty of excellent performances, Connery obviously, but also a bunch of great character actors. It's definitely a lost gem and as The Pope said, very remeniscent of Aliens and other grimy

Well, it did say spirit so anything distilled should be fine.

There is a world of difference between being fundamentalist Christian and left-wing. You can be a dirty leftie commie and hold very diverse beliefs, while "faith-based filmmaking" has an incredibly narrow scope and it even excludes certain Christian philosophies/aspects of the Christian faith completely.

Hmhmha mm hma hmh with no panties on.

Come to daddy.

I've heard fundies use this metaphor for premarital sex: would you break the vase you are given as a gift to see how it happens?

Aren't they coming up with some special (maybe) to wrap it up?

Eh, I did that too and this season has to be way up there in quality. There are things done this season, incredibly tiny details, that all play into a singular, overarching story. This episode wasn't as hot as the previous few, but this has been a seriously awesome season. I can't think of another show which remained

Two things and so forth.

…is it?

The Butlerian Jihad is a pretty significant thing in the books. If computers were "clumsily missing", they just wouldn't be there or ever talked about or waved a way with a single line etc.

Yeah, the Harkonnen would have definitely benfited from being a more Lannister-type old house obsessed with keeping itself vital than just bad guys whose leader is morbidly obese and gay (while the good guys are all lean and hetero).

At least it would have been a balls-out insane acid trip instead of Lynch's half-baked attempt. If you're dealing with something unadaptable, you might as well go for the gusto.