Rich Uncle Skeleton

It's not just fifteen-year-olds, although it is a well-established tactic to garner pats on your back for them to go on YouTube and tell that all their friends are listening to evil modern music while they are bravely listening to Dark Side of the Moon for the 50th time. There are plenty of old(er) people right there

Go to any YouTube video featuring a song made pre-2000 and it will, without a fault, be filled with comments about how much of a great song it is (which can be true, fair enough) and how all music nowadays sucks and there's literally nothing being made outside Justin Bieber and "Lil Wayne"(their short hand for modern

Neither of those scenes are very closely tied to the monster, are they? Rawhead Rex does have a theme of restrictive Christianity vs. wild and free (and possibly seductive) paganism, but it's only ancillary to the actual figure of Rex, who just wants to eat people.

I agree about Books of Blood, it is seriously good.

I remember nothing about that movie except that one scene where the dude tries to run the monster over with his car and it keeps jumping away. Laughed my ass off.

Did you see the little monster?

Oh, I dunno. The ultimate force/cause behind the horror in Rawhead Rex or The Midnight Meat Train isn't seductive at all. Or in the story about the two giants made out of all the people of two competing villages, which has got to be one of the stupidest things I've ever read.

I had actually never heard of mr. Jack Chick but after reading this news article I went to his website and read every single tract. I now have no alternative but to consider myself a converted man. I suppose I have always felt that Catholics form a global conspiracy and that climate scientists pray to ancient

> Quincannon plays an important role in comic

"I'll be keeping a close eye on these guys."

Don't give up! You could easily run around your attic and basement collecting armor shards until bullets no longer had such a big effect on you.

You seriously didn't have a problem with the subplot about the nerds who speak Klingon to each other and find love? You had no problem with that?

Eh, I remain unimpressed. Shadow's recent track record isn't great, the RTJ track sounds cool mostly because of RTJ and "The Mountain Will Fall" sounds like what a gazillion beat kids on Soundcloud sound like.

Yeah, the cast in that was anything but strong.

Wait, you actually read the articles?

I'm a little skeptical towards this John Snow person.

To teach the computer of the greatest plot device known to man: the dance competition.

Just heard about this today and it's fine in it's way (I s'pose).

Pour juice on your chin.

The man with the golden eyeball!