Rich Uncle Skeleton

I think there's a fair argument to be made about Dune being more fantasy than SF anyway. A lot of the science is pretty dubious and for all its supposed basis in reality, most of the Bene Gesseritt stuff is more or less magic.

Maybe you're thinking about Jabba eating that frog in RotJ?

The dryness and travelogue nature of the book might be due to the fact that the characters are of incredible social standing and brought up in a culture where everyone's stiff and neutral since hiding your true feelings is a necessity for surviving in it.

Frasier, Fraiser, muthafukkin' Frasier. For some reason it's perfect hangover fare. I'm seriously amazed that no one said it before!

Oh, snap, he even had his arm in a sling!

What follows really sealed the deal for me:

I think it is a distress signal, he wants us to send in the cavalry.

I really hope we get a flashback to Jimmy and Chuck's childhood where they both enter a standup competition as teenagers.

It's blasmelicious!

Watch out for those guys.

Christ, it's a miracle it didn't get cringier than this! I think you should savior bad puns for when they're really needed.

You should see Venture Bros. They introduced about ten new characters last episode and killed every single one by the end (edit: um, spoilers).

"Hey, what are you listening to?"
"Oh, it's nothing."
"Come on, let me have a listen."
*passes headphones, "Shake Ya Ass" plays*
"My God… it's like they made my life into a song!"

I think Hell is a place where you have to eat pounds of past and then realize you are unable to take a shit.

I once read some article about how they wrote those books. It was basically one dude (or maybe two) cranking out something like 40 pages a day, going over them for spelling mistakes, then cranking out 40 more the next day. It explains how the characters in the books have wildly shifting personalities and sometimes

It's Christian revenge porn is what it is.

Doom Dust Boom sounds like the title (and plot synopsis) of the sequel to Fury Road.

He especially seems to be hurt when the guys nail him for things that are true: there was a very slim budget, the extras were just his friends and so on. If you make a film like that, you should own those things, not shy away from them.

But what's the point if whoever I'm downvoting doesn't feel bad!

And think of all the hard work he did in dubbing those films!