Rich Uncle Skeleton

I totally get it, I just find it funny that they're not only putting on a brave face but pretending to like the show and then seem to be completely amazed that there are actually these three guys who are ragging on it throughout.

Me three.

Mm, yeah. You can find a making of-feature of Time Chasers on YouTube which with the director (and much of the cast) talking about being featured MST3k. Despite saying they're "big fans" of the show, most of them seem personally offended by getting their crappy movie riffed on and don't seem to be really to be

Wait, that's a part of the article?

I suppose everyone knows Kate Beaton already so she wasn't included?

Hey, Walter might have done some bad shit, poisoning a child, killing people, forcing other people to kill some other people, yadda yadda whatever.

Later Misfits might have been good if they actually retooled the show a bit after Nathan didn't come back. The guy they got to replace him was a carbon copy, just not nearly as likable.

I stopped watching GoT when Sean Bean (was his character called Ned in that?) chopped off the head off that boy. I was like fuck that, the best character's gone now.

There's no way in hell I'm ever seeing this thing, but yeah, it would have been a cool tite.

Slim Shady?

"The only thing that could improve this film would be the adding of copious amounts of whores!"
-Frank Miller

I thought of Albion Has Fallen too! It would have been really cool-sounding and pretty accurate too.

This basically happened in Paris last year

Hey, it's the AVClub. If there's not a bearded dude playing guitar or a girl singing, preferably both, we're basically not interested.

That's not a nice thing to say about a big ole fuzzface :( And Beethoven was deffo not a… lady dog!


Dude, I was kidding! You're doing this for no money, no need to apologize.

It's been 9 hours, man, wtf is with this holdup?

Also the world's most successful Ho.

To be fair it got a little weaker towards the end. Not bad by any account but the first season was more or less flawless.