Rich Uncle Skeleton


Yeah, plenty of those kind of films have their detractors within the intended audience and, more importantly, the subject matter is hardly enough to make it a hit, unlike Christian entertainment where it seems that the movie stating that belief is good and non-belief is bad is sufficient.

Wow you sure are an actual woman.

Believe me, I'm all bones. The best you can get out of me is some soup.

Yeah, there's the MRA-route and then there's something like this. It's nice to see the entire spectrum.

1) It's so weird to observe the whole V-Day phenomenon from the outside. The country I live in has always considered Valentine's as a day for friendship. When we were in school we had these big cardboard hearts you collected signatures from people but the idea was that it was a friendly and not an (exclusively)

Gotta disagree with this review. This was not very scary at all and worse than that derivative. The flick lifts a whole lot of things almost directly from classic horror movies (namely The Shining, The Excorcist and Poltergeist). The story's real thin and *SPOILERS* mom goes satanic real quick.

Satanic panic in the disco!
Satanic panic in the Taco Bell!

This episode was written by someone who really wanted to go Dark. Like we get some mutafuckin' torture! And fucking everybody dies! And I mean everybody, the cute kid, the druid, the one elf dude, the redshirt guard guy… fucking everybody! Raaaaggh! And we end the thing like Moria in Lord of the Rings except it isn't

That sounds like a mixtape or a movie.

It depends. Was there a long flat-bottomed boat for carrying freight on canals and rivers nearby at the time?

Exactly! Plus you're doing everything society considers a fully functional, happy human being should do. That must make you feel real good.

I actually find it more advantageous to listen to something at least mildly miserable if I'm feeling down. The Cure usually does the trick. And they got some stuff you can dance to.

Especially when it's Mom.

The pressure is not always very overt. It's a cultural expectation and deviating from it means that you're a little weird in the best case, damaged and sad in the worst.

How old are you? Because once you're in your thirties and forties it will become very apparent that you are expected to have a child. Also, if you are a childless person in a workplace it's very hard to think of a reason for you to miss work that is superior to a family emergency/taking care of the kids.

Uhh, yeah… I'm sure Venture Bros is very concerned about accurately showing the harrowing effects of tranquilizer addiction.

I'm too porly versed in Batman to know who that is without googlin', but I loved that his servant was a dude who looked like he was made up of barnacles.

He might also just be a riff on one of the millions of "renegade cop out for justice"-type of characters from as many TV shows, rather than any particular superhero.

No suprise here, but Rusty was a real dick to HELPeR when he refused the pipe and slippers he was brought and took J-Bot's wine cooler.