Rich Uncle Skeleton

Pretty sure it was. When it jumped down from that balcony and landed with one hand behind it's back it looked like a shot lifted directly from that piece o' crap film.

I had to pause the show to laugh at the fact that Hank dressed like Bieber.

I always feel like an idiot since it takes me sucha long while to catch these very obvious riffs (Knight Rider in this case).

What the fuck?

This was one of the things that I found somewhat disappointing. Much like the pedo business, this is a well that they're somewhat needlessly going back to. We already saw the Captain have his issues with tranquilizer dart addiction earlier, and there were plenty of junkie-laughs had with Action Johnny. This is like

If they showed him humping the actress who played Xena again it would have been some real universe-melting

Oh, I don't know, it's a little refreshing, at least. Not every big bad has to be a dickless boogeyman like Sauron or Voldemort.

Also: The Iron Dragon's Daughter (https://en.wikipedia.org/wi… by Michael Swanwick. I actually hadn't read it (yet) but some of the short stories set in the same universe and they were awesome. They really carry that whole blending of science and magic on their sleeve, sometimes to a really funny effect.

The AVClub

It didn't help that he wasn't even close to being the only source for pedophilia jokes in the show.

I know it got knocked already on this thread but I think Sex at Dawn makes a good case why human beings as a species is not by nature monogamous and in terms of physiology best suited (not going to say designed) for sex that is recreational over procreative.

Nations go to fucking war over oil. It is that valuable.

"you aren't really monogamous, you've just been brainwashed"

I dont' know if that one dude counts, he's just a head for petessakes.

He has always advised people who have arrived at a sexual dead end (meaning that open communication and/or therapy have been exhausted) in a relationship to do one of three: break it off, suck it up, do non-monogamy. None of these is a quick fix but I don't see anything outside these three that you can do in that

I'm sorry but this sounds like exactly the kind of things that people with a very superficial idea of Dan usually say.

You are just fiercely committed to this whole "misunderstanding Dan Savage"-thing, aren't cha?

Damn those filthy rich climate scientists! I know Exxon doesn't have that kind of money to throw away.

No, he doesn't. He says that monogamy is not natural, but he doesn't consider people who are monogamous to be "brainwashed". I mean, the dude is like 99.9% monogamous himself!

Nah. You watched that Silicon Valley, though? It's awesome!