Rich Uncle Skeleton

They expected the boy to hear dead people this time.

Event Horizon, actually.

But unluckily for those back-stabbing bastards, all the jedi just became much more powerful than anyone could have even imagined!

You know this one awful thing? Well, it turns out another awful thing exists! So quit ragging on the first awful thing, alright?

Oh hi clone-doggy.

So did you put the rabbit accidentally into that pet taxi with the plutonium in it and thus your username was born?

"I like sex, and I an afford it."

It's a movie about nothing!

This week: our favorite songs that either have the word "star" or "war" in the title.

Well, I'm certainly relieved to find that I wasn't the only one to find mr. Fisto's radical combat style a startling counterpoint to his conservative leanings.

Yeah, noticed right after I posted. I don't know if it's poor web design, I just haven't seen more than one thing being graded under a single review before.

This review doesn't read like these things deserve an A.

Cellular structure.

I'm guessing they knew that security would be stricter then.

Yeah, this is horrible, but it's not the end of anything, just the way things are.

Yep. I sense a new wave of hostility towards all refugees and people of Middle-Eastern descent. Which is exactly what ISIS and the like want.

But how would we know that people hate Justin Bieber and therefore are good people and that the world is coming to an end because there are not-good people who do like his music?

Pitt will always have a spot in my heart because of 12 Monkeys. Sure he was a pretty cool crazy guy in Fight Club but he was even better completely unhinged.