Jeremy Spoke in Class Today

Honestly, Or Die Trying and Return of Stinkmeaner are the only two episodes of season 2 that really stick out to me. Although, The Uncle Ruckus Reality Show was pretty good as I recall.

The obsession with watching television shows in HD quality has always struck me as a little odd. I mean, I understand it with certain shows, but I've never watched The Daily Show or South Park and thought "man, this show would be soooo much better in HD" (though ironically, both shows are in HD now). Maybe it's my

Weird, I read somewhere that different stations seem to have gotten different versions of the opening for whatever reason. Most likely, the chalkboard was changed so last minute that some alternate version with the French chalkboard still existed.

^I missed it too, but I saw a clip; it is literally what is in the "Stray Observations" of this article. "South Park - We'd stand beside you if we weren't so scared." You can see a clip and piece about it here:

Isn't South Park, as a series (including characters etc), owned by Comedy Central and Viacom anyway? If they went elsewhere it would have to be with a different show.

Can't we just agree that the guy in that case study (I've heard of it before too, not that my word matters over Neophyte's) actually did probably/possibly help his cancer by doing those yawns, but that there was a scientific explanation for it? It's not like we know everything about cancer yet…maybe there was a

In fairness to women, I don't think they were the ones that made movies like "300" and the recent "Clash of the Titans" such big hits. Men are culpable in crap too.

"Liberals" are bothered so much by Sarah Palin because the media keeps giving her power. For some reason a woman whose main qualification is having a Facebook page is allowed to have a major voice in issues like the environment, nuclear weapons, etc despite being a complete fucking moron.

I'm a half-jew and it didn't bother. Surprised me, especially since it wasn't coming from Cartman (with whom it would be understood that it was merely his racist character saying the word), but it didn't bother me. It strikes me as one of those things that isn't worth taking that seriously.

Yeah, season five is probably the start of the show's prime. I like 2-4 to various extents, but around 5-6 it seems to really take off more.

Alright, it has a few good lines (including that last one you quoted) and Kenny's death was funny. I'm not saying it was totally laugh-less, I don't think any episode is without a chuckle or two at least.

The early episodes
I'd have to disagree that they age better than other, more "topical" episodes. I can still go back and watch some of the older ones that were topical and still enjoy them. If nothing else, they were at least funny and clever the first time.

In a way, you're both winners. But in another more accurate way, Barney is the winner.

What about kittens? Sure, I love puppies as much as anyone, but kittens get no movie love. And a movie about puppies AND kittens would be a total cutegasm.

Ahem…GOOD call on them, although I hope someone finds spiritual enlightenment in my typo.

I actually got into the earlier stuff (Gish through Mellon Collie) just a few years ago and I think it's all pretty good, though yeah Mellon Collie is too long. But god call on them in general. The recent stuff is just sad. And now, out of the originals its just Corgan left, isn't it? They're less The Smashing

While I'd have to agree that The Simpsons isn't as bad as Family Guy these days, I'm not really sure that's saying much. The Simpsons gradually depreciated its own product by going on way too long and missing the point of its earlier years. Family Guy was a bad rip-off of The Simpsons to begin with.

Eh, I don't get the South Park hate. It can definitely bit hit or miss, but that's a trend that harkens back to the early days…and incidentally, has anyone actually WATCHED the first 2-3 seasons lately? Some of those are practically unwatchable. About half of season one is just painfully unfunny, catchphrase-driven

No Onion Shoutout?
Come on, people, let's get on the ball here.

I own a Mac and like them as computers, but I sort of agree with you, and I've read before that some research found that to be an unintended effect of the ads. The Long (who I don't blame) character is just a little too unlikeable and snotty, whereas Hodgman is so lovable.