Jeremy Spoke in Class Today

How "old" we talking here? I'm 29 and as a kid in the 90s, we all just called it "Star Wars." We all knew about the opening scroll obviously, but none of the VHS tapes, re-releases (even the Special Edition), video games, merchandise, etc ever emphasized "A New Hope" until The Phantom Menace came out, probably because

Honestly, I actually probably won't be one of those nerds. Unless it gets really great reviews I don't particularly plan to see it. Nothing is worse than a hypocritical internet critic who went to see all three prequels in theaters (don't get me wrong, I was one of them. But I also learned my lesson). Can't wait to

The movie could suck fucking balls (which, I mean, it probably going to anyway) and it'll still be completely worth it if it means I get to see the original theatrical trilogy on the big screen again.

Don't Fox and Disney automatically have to work out something, anyway? I mean, Fox's ownership of the 1977 film extends to the Special Edition cuts, so there would never again be a box set or tandem re-release of any version of the movies after 2019 if they don't work something out, and we all know there will be more

You can watch it for free on the CBS website. I find the player a little choppy at times, and CBS' amount of commercials is just ridiculous (it was never this bad on the Comedy Central sites), but at least there is a way to watch.

Regarding Jimmy/Jim, Colbert always went back and forth with those names (and "Jimmy Jam") on the Report, so until it's been a couple months and he's stopped saying "Jimmy" at all for that period of time, I'm going to assume it's the same thing here and not a conscious choice. Honestly I was just kind of pleased to

Given the Rashida Jones credit, I'm assuming there will a lengthy interlude in which Bo Peep is shamed for her time as a sex worker.

I'm sure lots of people have said variations on this, but I still can't decide if I should be excited about this show or incredibly depressed. I miss Stephen so bad, but traditional late night and PR-mandated chats with celebrities about their newest projects is just not my jam. At the same time, some of the promos

If it helps anything, Garfunkel and Oates are professed CK fans and Kirkman is apparently not only a huge fan but an "old friend" (and she's also been saying that the speculation about him on a few sites recently is BS. She tweeted directly at a few of the blogs asking them to stop). I wish Kirkman would say who it

To be fair, I did mistype and it was (according to the supposed Reiss telling) Moe in the Groening role and Homer in the Simon one.

Where'd you see that?! I desperately want to read that.

Yeah that's what I meant. Can't seem to edit it unfortunately.

Mike Reiss (you all know who he is, if not Google him) used to give talks all over the country, during which sometimes, if he was asked if any episodes were based on real life, he would say that the "Flaming Moe's" episode was based on the creation of The Simpsons itself. Just swap Simon for Moe, Groening for Homer,

That's true, but the album itself was kind of a disaster at the time, commercially (so much so that they cancelled the tour they were going to do around it). And while Hey Ladies may have charted initially, I don't think it's had nearly the same ubiquity since then in popular culture or radio airplay as a lot of the

To be fair, while Paul's Boutique is maybe the most critically-respected Beasties album (and in my opinion as a Beastie Boys fanatic, the best one), it was initially the worst selling. It's probably fair to say people don't know this song as readily as Fight For Your Right or Intergalactic.

I kind of agree it might be a little shitty of NBC to do to them, but just as a viewer I feel like I'm happy with this arrangement. I mean, why not? We live in a binge-watching TV culture now, having to wait a week between every single episode is almost starting to feel archaic compared to how we consume these things.

I use the terminology because it's the universal terminology that everyone recognizes. I get what you're saying, but even in an actual legal setting "innocent until proven guilty" doesn't actually mean what you seem to think it does. Additionally, if accusations were truly a "zero-sum game," as far as how outside

Because that's still not what I'm suggesting. ESPECIALLY in the court of public opinion. It is completely fair to listen to both the accuser and accused's stories, respect both of them, and say as an unconnected layman "I don't know what happened." Really, it actually is fine to do that! The fact that I don't

Um, you're putting words in my mouth. It's admittedly a difficult situation, but what I stressed above is that both the accuser and accusee actually deserve some level of compassion and benefit of the doubt. I'm absolutely concerned with the reputations of rape victims as well. I think it's actually possible to be

Yeah, this is likely true. I basically made that caveat because sometimes people will do the reverse of what I did, and assume that anyone who only has an accusation or two made against them is likely innocent, because if they were actually a perpetrator they would have done it loads of times and there would be a lot