Jeremy Spoke in Class Today

My one issue with the Temple Grandin story in general is that it does, however unintentionally, probably reinforce the "idiot savant" or "autistic savant" stereotype that Rain Man perpetuated, even if it is true in this instance. Of course the actual story is also more nuanced than that, but even an in-depth,

Revenge… is a dish best served COLD.

I felt like the ad was kind of just a regular cheesy Coke ad; it wasn't even cheesy in the way the show has become cheesy, but just in that "Coke brings people together/happiness" or whatever thing that Coke always does, often just like this with no dialogue and sappy music.

Tonight's forecast: a FREEZE is coming!

Edward Scissorhands
Kind of a weird question, but does anyone else on the spectrum (or close to someone on it) really relate to this movie? I sort of discovered it backwards because in the wake of my own diagnosis I read an article about how Tim Burton was possibly autistic (as suggested by his partner Helen Bonham

Jeff Dunham's anonymous double, I wasn't diagnosed myself until I was 18, bordering on 19. I will say that I think my case is more subtle than a lot of people's (based on what I've read and some people I've met), but it's certainly not unheard of. As it is, as someone else noted, it was a long time (1994) before it

This was my first episode too. It was alright, probably a B- or something. About on par with the review but a little more generous.

Yeah, I have a Wii and PS3 and love both (okay, the Wii lineup has been kind of weak over the last several months/past year, but there's already been a couple interesting releases this month). They're both great consoles with a lot to offer.

RagingBear's post is full of so much win. Lots to agree with, although I do hate Family Guy (I also liked before 2004/2005, but I attribute my distaste for it now to my growing out of it as opposed to any change in quality).

Hey, at least Claire Danes isn't going full retard.

Yeah, I couldn't find too many must-haves on this list myself, personally. I'm probably most interested in Dante's Inferno, since I loved Dead Space (same developer) and think the concept is pretty badass/something that should have been done ages ago, but then again I haven't played the demo yet.

Regarding Western games, why no mention of Sunset Riders? If they brought that on to PSN/Live with online co-op I'd so buy it.

I'm a fan of all three Spider-Man movies (yes, even the third one), but I still welcome this news. To me, it felt like the three movies were really designed to be a cohesive trilogy, more or less. The first and second movies both had loose ends that were finally tied up by the end of the third. There's always new

Unpossible, I think you're a bit too hung up on 13-year-old idiots. Yeah Hot Topic kids are dumbasses, we all know that, but they also latch onto a lot of things that are actually good too, like The Simpsons (btw, I thought of that example before thinking of the fact that your name is a Simpsons reference). Ever

I was hoping this would have to do….
with Three McConaugheys and a Baby.

"Ha! Wouldn't you like to know…

Are you, Christ Almighty, menstruating right now?

I would like to say: although I greatly disagreed with this piece, I still found it an interesting read and generally finally Genevieve's writing interesting when I see it here, whether or not I agree (that's one thing I love about the AV Club compared to other "review" sites). Although I did find the tone of the

It's a good game, but I don't know about getting it on those platforms.

Tying this to The Onion
I had this article on my wall for a while. So awesome.