Jeremy Spoke in Class Today

And as another note, I think I saw all those three movies maybe once or twice each as a kid…Raiders probably a few more times since we had a tape off the TV….but I've seen them countless times as an adult. I really liked them, but I was more into Star Wars and Disney at that point in my life.

"In Genevieve's defense, though, does anything we love when we're young ever really hold up to adult viewing? I can't think of anything that has in my case. There's plenty of stuff I loved back then that I appreciate now in a different way, or that I still feel a ton of nostalgic love toward, but even my mostest

Regarding the effects
(Okay okay, I know I have a Stay Puft avatar, yada yada yada).

I enjoyed all the Futurama movies, particularly the first two. I think those are as good as anything Futurama has ever done, and "Wild Green Yonder" is probably average Futurama. "Bender's Game" is admittedly lower on the totem poll, but watchable enough despite a lot of problems.

Yeah my bad, I think E! was what I was thinking of in the first place.

I was/am under the impression the network is primarily based around bad reality shows and vapid celebrity bullshit (which The Soup would obstensibly fit into, even if it's actually good at it). I could be wrong.

"Has any of you ever actually read a book?"

The first time I ever (randomly) tuned into Chappelle's Show it happened to be the "Blackzilla" sketch. That was %$#@ing retarded and, sadly, turned me off of the show until it had already been off the air for a couple years and I finally saw it again. So sad, because I honestly can't remember many other terrible

In fairness, I think The Onion Movie kind of got wrestled out of the Onion writers' control, and they eventually disowned it (ONN was started because they wanted to finally get the concept right). I've never seen the movie itself because I respect The Onion too much to see it, but that's my understanding.

I was thinking today after watching some of the ONN videos not only great they are but that they had probably made the right choice to make them little shorts as opposed to full half-hour programs. So I'm not sure how I feel about this. Can they sustain a full half-hour - and the audience's attention -

The Glenn Beck bit is one of the best things I've seen in the last few years, period. "I'd give anything for this to happen to Glenn Beck instead."

I like this half-season. But anyway, I agree with the earlier comment about the Oprah episode. Really, when has this show not come dangerously close to jumping at times? It's always had some pretty poor episodes here and there.

My GF's son went as an "army man" and, while I wasn't overly upset or anything, I'd have to admit if it was actually my own kid I probably wouldn't have let him do that. Like the original poster, I guess I just feel like there's a distinction between totally imaginary characters (vampires, Darth Vader, whatever) and

Put that cookie down!

My dad hasn't had any major problems with his 360 (purchased last year), but I was really shocked when he told me that the wireless adaptor he bought for it recently kicked the bucket within something like two weeks. Ironically, since that was within the first 30 days it was actually better for him (got a free

AV Club has the tools, it has the talent!

I, for one, am frankly disappointed that this apparently has nothing to do with MC Hammer.

I would totally go to a Denver signing too. Make it happen AV Club!

This Mr. Stay Puft is okay, he's a sailor, he's in New York. We get this guy laid we're not gonna have any trouble!

Dysfunctional family #347
I've never read Bagge's comics. I'll take the word of some of the comments here at they were quality. But it's hard to deny my gut reaction to this, which is this: