
keith mccants story: my mom had a residential cleaning company that would clean vacant houses for real estate companies in tampa, and i used to clean for/with her.

keith mccants story: my mom had a residential cleaning company that would clean vacant houses for real estate companies in tampa, and i used to clean for/with her.

these are good ideas-definitely, particularly related to music. beyond the 'personality driven, up to the moment' profiles, which generally i don't care for, there are some informative, interesting content driven profiles which aren't about how to market one's self, or artificially create a niche for one's self.

my gateway to the dan was john mahoney fucking up the words to "rikki don't lose than number" while driving his volvo in 'say anything'.

the purdie shuffle ftw.

off topic, i loved the series, but i found it sorely lacking in any reference to doom/stoner metal.

i'll be watching mainly for the same reasons most on here don't like the show: this shit is off the chain crazy!

i think it's important to note this is the first episode where we've gotten to know any of these characters with any depth. the fact that some are kind of solidifying their opinions about linden being a shitty protagonist speaks more to the strength of this episode.

everytime i see this dude…
…oh, i mean taboo, i think to myself, "it's great the indian from the village people has a second career".

my hero
great job again av club.

therapy?-breaking the law cover=tittays

with each article i keep saying…
slow down. 1997 already? damn. this has been a satisfying series.

i'm sy greenblum, president of spatula city.

i'll bite.

i'm honestly not sure if they could have done it any other way with rooker's character. i could be wrong-there' obviously going to be some emotional complications if/when the atlanta party & the survivor camps finally hook and the 'love triangle' is explored, but at this point all the characters are seemingly in the

this has really been a fantastic series-agreed.

i'd opt for a cameo from gg allin's corpse.

the greeks are a passionate, passionate people.

also remember that rick hendrick supplied the cars for the movie as well.

this won't make me go pick up any of their albums (i don't think anything could), but i agree. nice job nabin.