
i liked ZSG a bit more that WWZ. probably because my nerd self took it to heart:

are quite entertaining books, even for non-zombie lovers.

agreed. i think when internet ready flat screens become more prevalent, you'll see cable & satellite go down the shitter.

this sounds…
less than awesome.

my favorite deep cut is off ATCQ's midnight marauders-lyrics to go, penultimate song. that minnie riperton sample kills it & sets up q-tip's verses, which seems to roll for days.

@ lexicondevil-that's a legit point. even EPMD had a hiphouse song on unfinished business.

here fucking here!

can we start a fund raising campaign for insuring that none of them play? that, i'd say, would be money well donated.

ahh nuno! i was just thinking of extreme today. they sucked, but they said if i didn't like what i saw there, that i should get the funk out. so i did.

prior to the fire is the tits.

wasn't everyone a comedian in the 80's & 90's? not to be dismissive, but the standard for comedy back in the day was a little different than it is today (dane cook & jeff dunham aside). he should be thankful that people still remember him, even if his legacy is smashing watermelons.

apparently no one has seen elliot's classic taste testing of paint varnish or alpo dog food.

sadly, i've heard most of these songs, some against my will (i'm thinking of you, staind). but the one question i have is:

what? no luis guzman? this shit is rigged.

enough with converge
why do i keep hearing about converge being the greatest thing since sliced bread in metal on the AV club? and this-in light of far more prominent & better metal omissions from the list for this year.

enough with converge
why do i keep hearing about converge being the greatest thing since sliced bread in metal on the AV club? and this-in light of far more prominent & better metal omissions from the list for this year.

i like a hand full of tunes from them, but the crux of kiss is that the music is ancillary to the marketing & products, and it overrides anything good about the songs i do like. what a wanker.

out of all the insane characters he's done, i knew this was the bat shit crazy role that cage was born to play.

i approve of this list
sleep, electric wizard, HOF, breathing the fire, leviathon, age of winters, dopesmoker…all's cool here.

no intervention? that's the real reality. yeah, i have to scrub vigorously after watching it, but doesn't most reality TV do that?