
I think that's the idea. Flood the red states with shitty individual junk policies and claim victory if the numbers show an increase in coverage.

Most watched but that doesn't mean the ratings weren't sliding. First Take was struggling to beat stupid Skip Bayless before they switched it over to the main channel.

For those wondering, vile scat muncher Stephen A Smith gets to keep his job.

Christ, this type of shit is either going to be hilarious in four years, or it's going to drive me to suicide in eight.

Usually when I wash dishes because I refuse to learn how my dishwasher works.

They wouldn't be first on my list, but I do partially blame them for bringing toothless twee comedy to the forefront.

"I'm just back to pick up my things." - Aya Hijazi

somewhere a Jill Stein voter is planning a backpacking trip through Europe.

She's always been an awful person. At least from what I remember after the financial meltdown.

I remember going to see one of those stupid G.I. Joe movies on a double date and I was just seething in my chair for the entire thing. I literally ignored any mention of the movie when we went to dinner afterwards. It was an irrational level of hatred.

Yeah, the pizza options are pretty brutal once you get of the metro areas. The only decent chain around here is a family friendly place called Peter Piper Pizza. You got to take it to go if you don't want to deal with booger eating kids running around making noise, but I'll vouch for the pizza.

And vote…

I learned a few things tonight

I knew it was coming, but this one still sucks.

It seems like they learned their lesson from last year's shitfest. They tried to get the most out of every match on the card with the exception of Wyatt and Orton. Taker v. Reigns was exceeding expectations until Taker broke down completely. He's just too big and too old to work that style of match at this point. I'm

Home Movies is a personal favorite.

"A very poor ventriloquist during World War II finds a man claiming to be the devil but it was all in her head."

Total fuck fest? Worth checking out?

Does he at any point come across any asexual teenage detectives with a talking dog?

Paper cut torture?