
Maybe "Dondante" by My Morning Jacket. I'm not sure I still dig them the way I did in college, but my God is that song (and album) arresting.

He has but running the country is a lot trickier than cornering a woman in a hotel suite.

I believe "addition by subtraction" is the phrase you're looking for.

I don't think Trump resigning would be damaging to the nation, just the GOP. Let's face it, most of the diehard Trumpettes are too mummified to really take it to the streets. There will be a lot of huffing and puffing on their side, but the majority will fall in line. Liberals would probably celebrate at first until

I remain convinced that the GOP will never seriously consider it, but I'm beginning to think his term ends with him giving a speech to the nation that goes something along the lines of "fuck it, I never got a fair shake, Pence is taking over".

Absolutely. I couldn't summarize the plot to Legion if I had a gun held to my head.

Between this show and The Leftovers, TV has gotten really fucking weird and awesome.

He also got a certificate made to say he doesn't have donkey brains.

Yikes…you win.

Night shift at a call center was some of the most fun I've ever had at a job. It got so lax I eventually started streaming illegal UFC PPVs and no one seemed to give a shit.

Scat burglars are welcome, yes.

But I think Donald's evil is rooted in being an arrogant idiot, whereas Mike would probably be setting up interment camps for Democrats if he were President.

Somehow the Huckabees seem like an even more loathsome family than the Trumps.

That's why I should turn off the phone when watching shows I like.

I figured that what he was doing, but I couldn't pick up whether the refugee screed had any bearing on the plot at all. I guess we'll have to see.

I'm going to have to watch this episode again because I didn't understand a single thing Varga was saying or doing in this episode.

Sy and his misadventures with the Hummer is the funniest running gag on TV right now.

Because if there is one thing Trump cannot tolerate it's a faux pas.

Understood but I am not convinced that this Republican party has the stomach to oust a Republican president.

Darrell Issa said the same thing in February and walked it back a few days later. It's their MO.