
Once again, the conservative, Kraft-heavy portfolio pays off for the hungry investor.

Seeing reports floating around that Trump handed Merkel a phony invoice of $300 billion for Germany's outstanding debts to NATO.

Hey consider yourself lucky if an anal explosion death match is the worst thing to happen during his presidency.

And a much better grasp of the English language.

Isn't there a way they could expel him from their party?

Weird that a bug-eyed moron would be promoting the concept of a master race.

She can always take over Greta Van Susteren's show "I Really Think You Guys Are Making A Big Deal Out of This".

Cover your knees up if you're going to be walking everywhere!

I got a C in Biology 101 despite the fact I was thrown out of the lab portion for forgetting to bring my coat and goggles too many times.

Amateur hour. I once dropped a class because it was scheduled the same time as 30 Rock. Now that's a charming story about an idiot in college.

I gave up on comedy reviews on this site a long time ago. Especially when it comes to this guy.

This is why reality has rendered scripted comedy unnecessary.

"Howard Stern stole my act and now nobody knows who I am."
-Steve Dahl

"Bitch, don't kill my vibe"
-Kendy Lamarr

Goldberg beat Kevin Owens for the title with help from Chris Jericho. This is life in Trump's America, folks.

I wouldn't be surprised if "Girl at a Bar" was inspired by stupid Jamie Kilstein. I'm sure a few people there follow the NYC stand up scene.

The ones who flip always favor the Republican and vice-versa. Trump technically did worse among Republicans than Romney. The difference between the two is that 1.) Republican voters remained slightly more loyal than Democrats. 2.) Independents who usually split their vote between the two parties went huge for 3rd

"Add them to the list!" -Trump to no one in particular

I would also cite the fact that 3rd party percentages jumped from 2% in 2012 to 6% in 2016. Somebody benefited from that and it sure as hell wasn't Hillary Clinton.

Of course you can. It's called lip service. Look, the Republicans are struggling on defense, but don't expect them to sell out Trump under any circumstances. He is their king piece. The sooner every liberal figures this out, the sooner we can all coalesce for 2020.