
If this doesn't get Republicans to take a look at the 25th Amendment nothing will.

I knew things would get this bad which is why I figured America would never be stupid enough to let it happen. Oops.

Decent enough for a pilot. It's a good thing it takes place in the NY scene because I don't think I could stomach it if it was filled with Chris Hardwick's LA buddies.

As opposed to only defending them when they agree with the Right that Mexicans and Muslims are the scum of the Earth?

Taking a hard stance against Trump's policies would be like trying to babysit a 7ft., 500 lb toddler.

As someone who would repeal the 2nd Amendment in a heartbeat, I certainly hope so.

"How is saying campuses and television shows probably shouldn't be giving people like Milo a megaphone the same as saying conservatives can't conduct their own issues in private? I've literally heard no one say the latter."

But he isn't free to any platform, nor am I be free to seize any platform I want. Just as I believe Leslie Jones should be free to control the content of her Twitter feed, dickhead college Republicans should be allowed to conduct their business in private. Why are we not simpatico on this?

Pretty much this. On the one hand, I found him to be a semi-retarded sociopath who doesn't understand that harassment has nothing to do with free speech. On the other, Trump winning the election shouldn't be the impetus for a free speech firewall. That's fucking crazy even if you're not suggesting punching people in


You know how like a shitty screenwriter will use the title of the movie in the script? It was sort of like that.

"Did you hear when I said 'black caucus'?"- Trump, probably 3 hours ago

Its all lulz until Paul Ryan sends him a budget that cuts their SSI benefits.

I assume Judah Friedlander will be playing the AV Club commentariat?

In my day, people used to get news and opinion from the printed page. This would either come in the form of the hardbound book, or something we literally called "the newspaper".

Well I'm sure a concentrated effort to silence him would've done the trick. People tend to enjoy that sort of thing.

I hate the Right as much as the next guy, but I'll never understand why liberals feel the need to freak out at the prospect of giving someone they don't like a platform. No one is giving him tenure, they're asking him to make an asshole out of himself in front of millions of people.

Co-signed. Howard is a shut-in who needs writers just to be mildly funny. Ron, on the other hand, is naturally funny and has a wealth of knowledge on film and music.

And they're going to try to plug their ears and make it happen anyways, but people are pissed right now.

It's amazing how the concept of Occam's razor is so outside their grasp. You hired a dimwitted reality show host who was always too afraid to prove how much money he actually has. What did they think was going to happen?