
Actually, what he said was a lot worse than that.

How about this…you get a piece of my heart and an upvote.

I'll imply it right now if he even sniffs a primary run.


With every debacle that occurred this past week including the breaking news about Flynn, it blows my mind that President Loverboy is still scheduled to take the weekend off again at the "Winter White House". The fucking balls on this guy.

She'll be 74 in 2020 and they would have to be prepping for a potential eight year run. I think that ship has sailed.

I don't think you understood what I was suggesting.

It's such a mess they made of the title scene. Honestly, I think the smartest thing they could do is have Lesnar purposely cost Owens the title to up the stakes for the Mania match, thereby protecting Owens a little and causing a rift with Jericho for failing to save him. Even as I write that, I know it sounds stupid,

Solid show, but the booking leading to Mania is already horrendous and we haven't even gotten to the Goldberg shitfest yet.

Are you guys not allowed to talk about mugen?

If Texas had said "nude wrestling" then I know it would have been time for me to take a break from the internet.

It would be interesting if he then went on to acknowledge that our country commits its fair share of atrocities, but odds are he goes into a tangent about black and Mexicans.

Yeah, I mean if 2017 has thought me anything it's that I hate histrionics no matter what my political leanings are. Who knew?

Let's pray for the victims #holyrollers

Ahhh, you made me say it you dirty son of a bitch!

I was just going to start a Twitter account, but yeah I'll give that a shot. Maybe pick up some chicken fajitas while I'm at it.

But where will I go to discuss comic book movie rumors?

Something tells me the media will drop this if it gets stonewalled by Spicer. Not enough meat on the bone for them.

Maybe it's just from living in blood red Texas, but I can't fathom why anyone would give a fuck that an asshole is speaking somewhere. If it turns into a full on lynch mob shoot me a text, but otherwise it's just farting into the wind to me.

And you guys are going to have to learn you are just as responsible for your fate as anyone else in this country. No more crying to Dem politicians on Twitter asking them to stop Trump when you know they only have limited hands to play. If you're not willing to defend the rights of your fellow Americans at the ballot