
Buddy I will clone an army of Bernie Sanders if that's what it takes. I don't see how it would make a difference.

Still nothing? Perhaps if I go a little further in depth.

Donald Trump > Hillary Clinton > Bernie Sanders

I don't believe you, but I do believe you are the enemy of good government.

Really? What fucking Democrat up for reelection in a red state is going to be stupid enough to focus on appealing to college students and weekend warrior protesters? None of them are because they know it's a lost cause. The only way they have a snowballs chance in hell of reelection is sane conservatives. Liberals

Which proves my theory that they would be better off moving further to the right. If the far left is so squeamish about voting, siphon off the part of the electorate that are reliable voters.

Yes Democrats should focus on motivating voters. Which means focusing on the middle aged and elderly and dropping all the nonsense about free college and "breaking up the big banks".

I love the way you idiots act as if your vote is a sacred covenant that should go to the right person when the time is right — and if there's nothing new on Netflix.

Maybe she also could have reminded liberals in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania that there were also two important senate races happening in their own states, because apparently they need everything pointed out to them like toddlers.

Trump could abort a puppy on live television and West Virginia would still probably get rid of Joe Manchin. That's just one example, but you get the idea.

People seem fixated on the idea that this story is going to have some deus ex machina ending. I don't see it happening.

It's pro wrestling, not Bob's Burgers, you twat.

I'm really loving Corey Graves as the new token heel commentator. He feels like a legit alpha male as opposed to JBL trying to be an alpha male and just coming off as an overly political redneck dork.

Give me a fucking break. You assholes didn't like the deal you were offered so you got the zonk prize. That's all there is to it. Time to take ownership for the mess you helped make.

According to Trump voters on social media it's because those countries not listed are our allies in the war against terror. Somebody probably should have told President Trump when he said Saudi Arabia was behind 9/11, but there you go.

Supreme Court nominees will be tricky, but any federal court appointments will be a cinch since Democrats themselves eliminated the ability to filibuster any judicial nominees other than the Supreme Court when Obama was in office.

I'm thinking you're right because in that last speech he was promoting that like everything was gravy.

It was only Maine. Nobody's going to miss it.

My dog appears to be more of a GG Allin fan.

No, he mostly just hosts his podcast where he complains about youngsters using too many moves.