
Life is a highway
I want to ride it all night long

There are no good choices. Only Brietbart approved sociopaths.

Public housing has always been a pet cause of mine so I got to have Carson in there.

I was channel surfing one day and I saw him make a cameo in one of those ridiculous Mexican sketch shows. I'm not even making that up.

Counterpoint: Fuck Aaron Rodgers and fuck the constipated people of Green Bay, Wisconsin. Go Cowboys.


Darn it! That's where the rest of us zigged when we should have zagged.

Hey did you know that Trump voters love idea of Latinos coming into the country and receiving millions of dollars in government benefits and a path to citizenship just by stepping foot on American soil?

I remember when my abuela used to make us fried chicken chalupas. We would all sit around the table and discuss who she's going to live with because clearly she's lost her fucking mind.

Stolen valor?

What the fuck are these people going to do if it turns out that the candidate who proposed we also kill the families of terrorists might not be such a good guy after all?

I ummm …

I'm not sure acting like a twat is the best way to start making demands.

And hip hop hasn't gotten out of of its comfort zone of college freshman liberal politics. What's your point? It's not that hard to take a step back and listen to music because you enjoy listening to music.

But a lot of people would say Talking Heads falls squarely in the "art rock" camp. Same with Bowie, even if there's a lot of prog elements to his music. I guess is just makes it easier to swallow if you make a few distinctions and call it by some other name.

I was looking over Pitchfork's best tracks of the 70s, and it got me thinking, why do hipsters dislike prog rock? I get the hatred for the cheesy fantasy elements, but you would think that esoteric, complex music would be right up their alley. I don't really get the lack of respect. Is it just because some dead punks

A lot will get said about the sewage runoff they call filling, but to me the grossest thing about them is the use of sliced cheese. I cannot stand the presence sliced cheese on anything outside of sandwiches. I don't know why that is, but it makes me want to vomit.

China threw it out there when their economy was booming (comparatively) after the recession. The problem with Trump isn't that he's stupid, it's that he fits the psychological profile of a Hussein or Ghaddafi. We hope that it's all bluster and he spends most of days in the White House spray painting stuff gold. I

If someone would've asked me to predict what would happen if Trump won the election, I would've said the markets would immediately meltdown because every government in the world would be demanding to dump the dollar as the premier reserve currency. So far the markets love him, and even the Democrats seems to be taking

As much as I love my Cowboys, I would probably sit it out. I don't think I can survive multiple Mark Davis cutaways.