What Are You Looking At Sugart

Gonna listen right now.

Agree on the Dracula love. I don't think Ryder's as terrible as Reeves was. Oldman and Hopkins camping it up to a batshit-crazy level, but I'd watch those two guys camp all day long!


Midway through the journey of our life, I found myself lost in a dark bitch.

Aw, she had it coming.

*crickets interspersed with periodic gagging noises*


Agree entirely. However, I artistically question his choice. I was enjoying The Artist on its own terms and I was suddenly thrown into Vertigo, and started thinking about THAT movie instead.

Did he still have Super Great Weed? Good to see you, Lobs - I've been off a couple months and everything is DIFFERENT…

Remember seeing him in concert  - the one in which he hung himself, very well.

Best soundtrack of all of them. It's still my fave Christmas album.

Greetings to you, my Triple Husbandoid.

How come when Kurt Vonnegut says the same thing, it's cool? 
("Harrison Bergeron")
Oh, because he's like a 20 times better writer? But really, isn't it rather the same message?

I read that the Japanese costume designer made them sort of Kabuki-like on purpose. That dang wedding dress was a trip.

Agree on Keanu's suckitude. But I just like to watch Oldman's full-out-batshit-crazy performance. WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT!?!?

Oh, wait. Doesn't that happen in - what's the one with the vampirish chick?

YES DAMMIT. He was perfect. I was waiting for this movie with such excitement and it just blew. WHY? WHYYYYY?

How do I get BELOW IGNIGNOT?? Dadblasted newfangled posting stuff.

NEO (duhduhduhduhduhduh) SPORIN

Nuhuh. Not Emma Thompson. I thought she brought some genuine pathos. And I'll watch Colin Firth walk all day long. Dear Lord, that man can walk.