It would have fit perfectly into the old Conan bit back in '96.
It would have fit perfectly into the old Conan bit back in '96.
It won for me tonight for the word "Catseros" alone.
What great timing for this episode since an unusually warm weekend a bit ago kickstarted the yearly spider outbreak in my apartment early this year. So, after typing this, I'm off to check their usual access points. Which is also what I just got done doing before typing this.
Come along!
You belong!
Feel the fizz of Coo Coo Cola!
This episode has me convinced that the writers want to make another go at the Nick/Jess relationship. Almost as if they didn't know what to do with it the first time other than obvious chemistry, but think they can maybe make it work if it's more thought through. Though hopefully it's something open ended for next…
What was unforgivable about this episode is that it caused me to have the thought, "If Frank is tall Blade, does that mean that Crane is tall Stephen Dorff?"
Anything from the first Pet Shop Boys greatest hits CD. While there were many similar moments during seven wasted and unrequited years, there was one night in particular when everything I thought I wanted was teasingly made to appear possible only, as with all good teases, to be snatched away. That CD was the…
This has long and lazily been my go-to song about the horrors of 90s bubbling around rock. Beyond the annoying lyrics, it just felt like a song that had no interest in going anywhere. While it might have been representative of some sort of "meh" disaffection for the era, it still especially pissed me off. At least I…
I just….how the heck can I wash my neck *and* somehow keep up with this broadcast schedule.
It was really weird that Ayla didn't get to add to Jimmy's spread about what they did. While this is probably entirely due to editing, I can't remember a single time that she had a big camera ready reaction. I'm starting to wonder if she shrunk too much for the cameras so that they didn't have much to use.
Here it is, 2017 — Disqus long defeated by the Cremlins of Ornax 6 — and you'd think there'd a comment system that would remember if I was logged in or not.
That James Woods line may be the most cutting — yet still probably harmless — thing ever said on this show.
In some amazing way my quick glancing eyes originally saw the link as an "all robot reboot."
Oh, and I suppose on the actual episode, I think they tried to stretch out Bob's little conversations with the plants too much. That anthropomorphism works better in smaller doses or pushed mostly into the (awesome) song. However, I really loved the poses in Logan and Louise's uh-huh, nuh-uh face off.
It was a couple weeks ago when I realized this is my favorite show on right now. Not what I consider the best (actually, no clue on that) but my favorite. Whenever watching an episode I always watch the opening credits because I'm usually on a tablet and skipping with the fat fingers of a negligent monster just…
The Grizzly presentation in the first episode made me really wonder how the Jabberwocky project is coming along.
His readings are always excellent. I really love that character.
It's really a function of my dotage that I get such delight out of manipulative editing that is stacked towards showing joy, wonder, concern and, most of all, people saying, "Thank you."
I love how Terry contains so many well defined multitudes. He has a Terry for nearly every situation, and each Terry is distinct and cannot exist simultaneously with any other Terry.
The whole super weapon (besides it's obvious Nazi railway gun comparison) really gave off a G.I. Joe MASS Device vibe.