
With my last comment on this site, I just want to say that the Starks are a special kind of stupid.

With the vagaries and space for guessing with all of this, I'm just getting this feeling that this is going to include or set up some sort of partnering between Kylo Ren and Rey whether for convenience or realsies. Some sort of bastardized Zuko and Ang thing.

I've seen the Trashcan Sinatras play seven times. It was supposed to be eight, but my hobby of finding new antibiotics to be allergic to suddenly became more important to me. The one I enjoyed the most (other than the first time when such a thing as them playing live in America seemed like it would be impossible)

I'm still baffled by this revival. I admit I wasn't a fan of it back in the day. I found the humor to be incredibly old fashioned (lazily borscht-belty) and the general attitude to be so undeservedly self-satisfied. Still, trying to be charitable even amongst all the stupid revivals being tossed up that this may have

It's a sad commentary on this second decade of the century that no one picked up Rabin's mantle to shriek "fascist!" whenever this movie comes up.

It's about time someone did.

Here's where this season got a rough for me. Before I gave my life to alcoholism and depression, I was the Avatar of Doubt several times. It always involved a self-serious guy engaged to a young woman who loved him? Thought she loved him? Was not willing to sacrifice being silly in public for him?

I really tried to like this show, but the Carol character was just too much for me. Normally I try not to post comments like this since it's always been a weird thing to me when people go out of their way to shit on something rather than just let people enjoy what they enjoy, but I had hopes for the show that were

That whole Janice thing is one of my favorite bits ever. I love the way it mixes the White Woman In Peril trope in with specifically Norm perspectives on death and women's sports.

Did someone say "cartilaginous"?

I had to rewind that a couple of times to make sure it wasn't just the light fooling with me. Great gag.

How to Make an American Quilt. What made it more difficult is the person I was seeing it with was enraptured by it.

And to complete the Joke, because of when I realized this was happening and hit the next slot to record, I now have a long term entry in my DVR for "Family Guy." That's not easy to take.

"Black Celebration" - Depeche Mode. I'm guessing a lot of these will be due to moment, circumstance and person. Good times. Well, for those couple of months.

Yeah. That was a real goddamn movie right there.

Hey! It's Russell Brand without an accent!

Hey! It's Jaden Smith with an accent!

Something about this picture just makes me feel like Norm Macdonald needs to be in this movie.

I'll allow it.

Few things: