
"There's nothing in the rule book about throwing dynamite at the opposing team. Carry on."

Everyone knows girls and animals can't play basketball!

It sounds like the reducto is the only thing mildly absurd about this movie.

A woman pretending to be a doctor? What's next? A woman actually being a doctor?!

I strongly disagree with regards to "You're the Worst." I find that not only do I connect to the characters, I largely find them sympathetic.

This sounds absolutely dreadful.

Shouldn't her character's name be "Yassss"?

Fun Fact: In 1998 The Center for Substance Abuse Prevention published a set of talking points for drug education advocates titled "Winning the Numbers Game: How to Keep Saying 'Prevention Works' When the Numbers Say Something Else."

Would you say that it's too much, man?

How will this impact my chances of winning a grammy for the mixtape I put on Soundcloud using music that I stole from other people on Soundcloud?

As a fan of both Andy Samberg and tennis I was extremely disappointed by 7 Days in Hell. It was clear that very little thought was put into any aspect of the script. The jokes were generic and none of the characters were interesting. I fear it will be the same with this one.

Don't get R2-D2 started on his feelings towards Mondays. He'll drop so many expletives that basically everything he says will need to be bleeped out.

Is Trey Parker the white male voice of his white male generation?

Ooooohhhhhhhh, i get it now.

I think it would be great if they did an episode about Piranha 3-DD, which was really, aggressively awful, and which Paul Scheer was in.

We'll always have The Dictator…

I was watching Boiler Room on HBO yesterday. Gosh dang that's a good movie.

Just wait until you see what the Handmaid's Tale amusement park will look like.

Is that because you're his brother?

In my early twenties people frequently told me I looked like Ryan Reynolds. Then I aged and he didn't…