
I can't think of a better way to avoid studying for my grad school final on Thursday afternoon.

You gave this episode a C? That's gonna leave a mark. The scene of C.J. talking throughout the undercover operation was so superbly timed. Not a great episode, but it's still a solid B+

Any suggestions for shows to watch to scratch that itch? Sense8? Mr. Robot?

Yeah, that's super bad for you.

The word "vest" has lost all meaning.

Is this the A.V. Club's way of tricking us into reading about real news?

So it's Mission Impossible but with magic. Dream journal, you've done it again.


Can't he just do Angels every time? I love that song so much.

I wish he would rap it up already.

The aggressive Google product placement was the only weak point of the episode.

I was so confused when they acted all disappointed about the Pritchetts deciding on Italy as the vacation spot. Like, who the heck doesn't want to go to Italy? The reveal made a lot sense.

That would be barely more gratuitous than the scene in Star Trek Into Darkness.

To ensure that she definitely doesn't wear heels the director is going to make her bind her feet the way Japanese women used to.

How will we know which one is Groot?

I think they should start recasting the role of the son every episode with a different surly, long-haired teenager, just to see if anybody would notice.

Am I the only one who likes Killer Mike and El-P more as individual entities than as a group? I Pledge Allegiance to the Grind and Cancer for Cure were both way better than either Run the Jewels album was.

Joaquin Phoenix? Is he still here?

Finally, a way to watch The True Memoirs of an International Assassin without having internet.

You can always tell a Milford man.