
I'm a really big Einhorn fan.

Still waiting on that review of J. Cole's "2014 Forest Hills Drive," AV Club.

Probably the best celebrity moment of the year was Jonah Hill's apology for his use of a homophobic slur. He seemed like he understood what he did wrong, felt bad about it, and wanted to make sure that everyone including him learned from the experience to help make sure it didn't happen again. A startlingly and

There's another bit in one of the later Hitchhiker's books where Arthur is with his girlfriend and they are listening to Dire Straits. Apparently there is a part of the song in question during which it is impossible not to kiss your romantic partner.

Welcome to every day of my life.

I think the main problem with trying to make an Atlas Shrugged movie is that it needs to be a big-budget movie, which means it needs to appeal to both Rand acolytes and non-insane people. What then to do about the giant monologues? Cutting them would invoke the wrath of the fanatics, but keeping them in would make it

I unironically and unmoronically loved Prometheus, and will defend it to the death!

That was the part that Kanye West was born to play.

And Julianne Moore as Sarah Jane Moore

Yes, I did mean NPH as the Balladeer. I realized that as soon as I started listening to the soundtrack immediately after posting that comment.

Playing Sam Byck in a college production of Assassins ties for my favorite theatrical experience of all-time with playing Thernardier in Les Mis at summer camp. Now I am going to spend the rest of the day casting celebrities in Assassins.

"Skip LaRouche… Am I pronouncing that right?" "Yes.. Skip."

I was in the absolute highest, furthest back row of the Staples Center for the Watch the Throne tour, and it was one of the coolest things I've ever seen. I need to really see Kanye in concert at some point.

I don't know if your rhyme was intentional or not, but I enjoyed it all the same.

Actually they tied one end of a really long piece of string to a tin can, and the other end to the Sony servers.

First Republicans are against net neutrality, now they're hacking Sony's computers? What next?!

The only reason why I might give this episode an A- is because the three plot lines, while all wonderful, were completely disconnected both in terms of plot and thematically. Is that a knock on the episode or a testament to how good the show is that it doesn't need to bring separate plotlines together?

I'll be honest, most of my comments are not off-topic, out-of-context Clone High quotes. I am also afraid that if I start doing that more often now I will feel like I am pandering to my massive fanbase.

Abe, remember how excited I was to see the movie "American Pie" that I didn't sleep the night before? And remember that scene where the guy has sex with the pie? Well, I don't. Because I fell asleep in the theatre.

That explains why so many Russians are in the hospital.