
Try and catch me, bitch!

This episode is a perfect example of the cast having such fantastic comedic timing, and being so comfortable with their characters, that they were able to elevate a very weak and haphazard script. Surprisingly, Gloria had the funniest moment of the night as she tried to convince everyone that the turkey was Luke's

Slam it in your face and spray it!

Last year Bill Cosby said he was 76, this year he says he's 77! Better get your story straight.

Mayim Bialik's delivery on the fava beans line was perfect.

This Week in "Who Needs a Divorce More, Howard and Bernadette or Cameron and Michell?" Howard and Bernadette took a commanding lead by taking an opportunity to talk about how much they love each other to deliver nasty passive-aggressive insults, while Cameron and Mitchell showed not only genuine affection for each

Is it just me or does Alexandra Daddario look like she is going to be the second choice for every movie that can't get Anna Kendrick?

Precious is a very good movie, but is actually not nearly as good as The Paperboy and The Butler, both of which are brilliant. I will see any movie this man makes.

I only saw this movie because of my love for Eric Christian Olsen, which arose due to his brilliance in Not Another Teen Movie. I regret nothing… Except going to see this movie, which was awful.

To be fair, my atm pin card is the numeric representation of W-E-S-L-E-Y-S-N-I-P-E-S

How many copies of Grand Theft Auto would I have to steal to have it be considered Grand Theft?

Or if your wife were.

Too soon, @avclub-72a8ab4748d4707fda159db0088d85de:disqus, too soon.

Newswire: Jay-Z Likes Expensive Champaigne So Much He Takes It Out Behind the Middle School and Gets It Pregnant.

James Marsh? More like James Darsh!

I think his ideas in New Slaves and Blood on the Leaves are just as complex and insightful as his early stuff.

I feel like this comment is an excellent appreciation of Murphy's talent, as well as a fitting lament of his underappreciation. I'd be happy to watch you wax your erection any time.

"Stephen King Writing," then, since 1408 is a short story *adjusts nerd g-string* and yeah, Stand By Me takes the number 4 spot.

Best Adaptations of King Novels:
1. The Shawshank Redemption
2. The Shining
3. Misery
4. 1408
5. Carrie (2013)

Murphy's Law states that everything Ryan Murphy makes is the worst.