
The A.V. Club

"James Franco and Kate Hudson [aren't] so much… Good People as Hapless Morons."

Oh man, Terribly Happy was one of the best directed crime dramas of the last decade, and Before the Devil was one of the best written. This really does sound like a stinker, though.


Magic is so pre-Romero.

Lesbians aren't into demographic penetration.

They should call it "Days 1 through 27"

We'll call it "Him and Her and Her and Her and Him and Him and Her and Her and Him."

The Dicks-in-Chicks

I think that Wide Open Labe is the band most likely to win the Pornhub Anthem Contest.

I hope nobody thinks that I'm homophobic when I say that Cam and Mitchell should never have gotten married and should get a divorce as soon as possible. Never have I seen a less happily-married TV couple.

Yeah, this is a C- episode that answers the question "Is Modern Family worth trudging through to get to the half-dozen genuinely entertaining episodes?" with a staunch "At this point, almost certainly not."

I suppose I worded by description poorly. Both directors are only as good or as bad as their material. I think that Fuqua could do some really fun things with True Romance, although it would certainly be a different film than Tony Scott's version.

Did anyone else think that the Glitter episode of How Did This Get Made was by far the most stilted, awkward, and unfunny episode of the entire series? I knew that Mantzoukas was the funniest part of that podcast, but I didn't realize how necessary he was for the chemistry that makes that show so enjoyable.

I loved it ten years ago when it was A History of Violence.

It is disappointing that, as one of the few black directors who isn't pigeonholed and only allowed to direct films about black people, he has been given such mediocre projects. Fuqua is about on the same level as Tony Scott: competent, but unexceptional.

Yeah, but that was five years ago. Who knows how old those 12 year-old prostitutes have gotten over that period of time.

"You think that's bad, remember that time we got put on Schindler's List?"

Ceecee's zombie stoner was a bit much, but when Coach told her that he saw her going back to school, her "I see it too!" was adorable.

Schmidt is at his worst when he is acting like a selfish egomaniac. He is at his best when, like in this episode, he is being a well-intentioned idiot, just the exact opposite kind of well-intentioned idiot as Nick.