
Maybe it's because I so strongly associate New Girl and Mindy Project in my head and because over the last two seasons MP has been significantly, consistently better than NG, but I am rather startled that through their first two respective episodes, MP has been good but NG has been absolutely crushing it.

I think the difference is that Mindy and Danny, while dysfunctional in a number of ways, are mature human beings. Nick and Jess were defined at the beginning of New Girl as complete messes, and the writers are refusing to let them grow and mature. It's why Chandler and Monica work as a couple but Troy and Britta

He's had it rough since Mark Zuckerberg stole the idea for Facebook from him.

Disney is Rattigan in every scenario.

The Big Green already got sued by The Jolly Green Giant.

That tweet made me weak.

Suddenly J.D. Salinger gets simultaneously sued by every white teenage boy in America.

The A.V. Club

What if, instead of recasting, they just had all the actors change roles. I want James Marsden as Storm, Halle Berry as Cyclops, and Kelsey Grammar as Jean Grey.

Then the process would be less like arranging sticks and more like peeing in the snow.

If this were a show about Jews it would be called "Jew-ish."

Between 73 and 104, depending on the fiber content of your cereal.

Last year I wrote a twenty-page paper comparing Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy to the Iron Man films as commentaries on the War on Terror. Not for a class, or anything, just because I was bored.

If Phil Lord and Chris Miller directed an adaptation of Flappy Bird I would be there opening day and think it was the most brilliant movie ever.

I went to summer camp with his daughter. We were in a production of Les Mis together… She was not a pleasant person.

The Fart in Our Stalls

They end up accidentally creating a Pontiac Aztek instead of a couch.

"This is deffo not my confused face!"

"Is Maroon 5 the worst band in the Nickelback? …it's possible."

I guess that's why they got me sitting here in fuckin' coach.