
These fan theories are actually years old and confirmed by GRRM as being…well basically right.

I'd marry Sadie even if she had scars on both sides of her purdy face. … and her eyeballs were full of fishes.

Everyone knows bad decisions are really just plot holes. Nobody in real life ever makes a bad decision.

Never pay attention to the instruments when gassing somebody! Those are only there to confuse you!

I totally thought the rule was that if he wanted the change to stick, he couldn't go back to the future. Which makes for bigger stakes because it means he can never go back to his old life. But I guess that's wrong.

Ugh the cousins were one of the dumber, cartooney parts from Breaking Bad.

The interesting thing is that women in tvs and film use that tone a lot. They just get called stupid nagging bitches or something though, and that's usually the prevailing attitude.

I actually thought this episode went a long way to making Chuck more sympathetic. He's not being a dick because Jimmy is some kind of vaguely sleazy person. He conned their own father, a saint in Chuck's eyes, out of money, ruining his business, possibly leading to his death.

Is he a douche? As likeable as Jimmy is to us, it was still a bad move on Kim's part. I mean obviously he is a douche in the general sense that he's a douchebag lawyer, but he's not an outright villainous person. For who he is, he's not that bad. He's like a friendly alligator.

Word…Chuck uses a condescending tone of voice with pretty much everyone.

In what way was she sassy whatsoever? I think you're reading your own prejudices into that scene.

Even if they did have some criminal defense wing for white collar crimes (the office looks like it does corporate law) how can this one case be this important to them? This is a massive law firm with what looks like at the least several dozen employees and million dollar offices. A single criminal defense case for

I think at that point he didn't think she'd be willing to give him anything so he was just throwing a number out he thought she'd pay. But yeah, that will sounded like it would take at least a few hours of work to get down so that is ridiculously low.

Finally got into this so I'm probably talking to the wind on this old review but I had to get this off my chest. I love the show so far but one thing really bugged me this episode… Why the hell would HHM (or whatever the big law firm is) give a shit about the Kettlemans as clients? To the point where they literally

How the hell are people ranking Jessica Jones higher than GAME OF THRONES? Like seriously? Jessica Jones is like on par with Xena the Warrior Princess or some shit. Seriously goofy, mediocre tv. I can't believe people think it's a dark, intelligent show.

I'm blown away Game of Thrones is so low on the list. I wonder if that would be the case had it not finished so long ago and been mostly forgotten (until next year)

Just curious, I'm assuming it goes to credits right after the discovery of "the family meeting" to put it in a non-spoilery way? (Even though the Shield finale was like 8 years ago, it's so good that I still wouldn't want to risk ruining it for anyone)

So many reasons…
1.) His name is changed to Tripoli, name of season 1 mob boss.
2.) He talks about getting plastic surgery to change his face
3.) He talks about starting his own (criminal) "empire"
4.) He is watching two deaf kids playing baseball and at the end, walks over presumably to rescue them from the older boys

I think the point of her retelling the whole thing was for Ed's benefit because this is when he realized just how crazy she actually was, because there was no smoke, and then he sort of laughs and lets go.

Definitely was Simone… Nobody likes looking at the baby picture of a girl who's had her thumb up your ass.