
Ok I buy that, like a normal person would have hit him, and stopped and resolved everything in a normal way but she sort of saw it as an opportunity for her life to be filled with drama and change.

But wasn't that bar in South Dakota? Hank is from Minnesota.

I think a lot of great warriors throughout history probably got fat and lazy once their warrioring was over with.

Agreed. This was basically a very strict denouement episode, but I think it doesn't quite work when the denouement comes a week after the climax. Too much tension is already naturally released by this point.

What were the errors you noticed? Just looking at the header image on this review, I'm wondering if groceries would have been that expensive back then. 2.29 for a can of tomato soup? Maybe at whole foods circa 2015.

Was it even her "wants" that started this whole thing? I mean, hitting someone and driving away and not reporting it or anything wasn't really connected to that. It was just the actions of somebody in shock, or slightly crazy. And that's what kicked all this off.

How will he be "fucked"? What possible ramifications could be there be to this? He will get a bit of attention, probably some peopel bugging him on the internet or calling him to ask about the show, and that's it. Stop saying things like "His life is over" it makes no sense.

He has agreed to do an Ask Me Anything on the nathan for you subreddit. Says he needs to check with the production office what he is allowed to say and what not so it should be up in a few days.

I would believe it was a double if he did the walk with no safety harness, but the fact that he had a tether and was in no danger makes me think he did it himself. If he fell it would be just as a funny because he would then switch and real Cory would be a failure.

Which non-trump Republican is even remotely Presidential? Can you seriously say you wouldn't be embarrassed as a nation to have fucking Rubio be the nation's leader? It's pathetic, other countries would mock us.

Obama is not center-left. He is on the right, like all American politicians. If you guys saw an actual left wing politician your fucking heads would explode (but then you'd actually be able to get that treated without going bankrupt since you would then have socialized health care)

Ed's kind of a moron if you didn't notice. Peggy too. These aren't the brightest bulbs on the tree.

definition 6 in the dictionary: not spurious or unjustified; genuine:

I watched that part back. He says "Bitch!". Typical Dodd reaction to having a woman pull one over on him. They are from different states so they wouldn't know each other (in all likelihood).

"Don't dictate terms to me, you rogue!"

Bwhaha, my favourite line of the episode by far. I burst out laughing when he said that.

I really liked that moment when they first get on the plane and Dev is looking around nervously, grabs the inflight magazine and tries to make conversation about her being from Florida and he got it wrong (she's from Texas). In another show this would have been the "Oh shit, these two actually aren't going to get

*after dropping her off, waits in car to make sure Carrie gets in the house okay*

RIsking other people's lives in the process since it was an apartment building too. Such a dumb show.

Those two sure missed the whole point of that Louis CK bit didn't they…jesus.