
I don't have real figures on that but one thing to keep in mind: The vast majority of deaths and injures in combat during WW2 were from artillery (ie: mortar, grenade, bombs). We're talking 70-80%. Less than 10% was thought to be from bullets. And the ones who did die from bullets were probably killed by machine

Seriously, what a selfish bitch… what exactly does "taking care" of someone with a cold consist of? Bring you a bowl of chicken noodle soup and a box of tissues once in a while? The idea that you would demand your spouse cancel their special once in a year event just to "take care of you" (which really means feel

wildfire can't melt steel beams bro.

No, she asked him to keep Jon's identity as a Targaryen secret and pretend he was his own bastard so Robert wouldn't want to kill him for being a potential challenger to the throne. That's the promise.

I mean… we as the audience love Tyrion but from Dany's point of view what exactly has he done to deserve it?

I think what is stopping her at this point is that her and Jaime have grown apart and aren't so much in love like dat anymore.

Does she know he set up that/those assassination attempts?

Why would Catelyn/Lady Stoneheart want to kill Jon?

Does anyone else find it hard to believe how much Dany has grown to like Tyrion so much in so little time? It's like the writers know the audience loves him so Dany obviously has to be his best friend right away as well, and even make him Hand of the King. I don't think it's a bad idea but considering he's the brother

Jon is a wicked warrior, swordsman and soldier but he has no experience as a strategic battle commander in this sense really. Yes, he took command during the defense of the wall but that's quite a different scenario. This was old school "meet on a field at dawn" type battle and he doesn't have experience with all that

Is that how it happens? I don't think that's how it happens. Her Stark blood (last known remaining member of Stark family) would give her claim if you acknowledge the Boltons as usurpers and Starks as rightful heirs. But if you acknowledghe Boltons as rightful heirs, Sansa wouldn't be next in line as widow of the Lord

Am I crazy or has Chang never really said anything before? Now all the sudden she's speaking in long paragraphs.

In the garden, where nobody ever has cause to dig.

I guess they didn't have too many options but burying the body parts just beneath the surface in the GARDEN, which is literally the most likely place ever that somebody will be digging, seems pretty dumb. I still think under the floorboards would have been better.

A big part of that is that the new actor is like 24 or something and he looks it, he's baby faced. It's ridiculous. The Mountain should be in his late 40s, early 50s at least and look grizzled and brutal… Remember the Hound is his younger brother and that actor is 50 something I believe. New actor is way too fresh

I saw those shitty Frey hats (man those two looked like straight bums right out of Flea Bottom) but what are the Lannister hats? Do you mean helmets?

Except the woman from the theater troupe who's life Arya saved and who seemed to like her. I could definitely see her stumbling across Arya and nursing her back to health.

Consider all this though: we never saw his death, his motto was "What do we say to death: not today" and at that point he was a minor character…Why leave it so ambigious? Also he was from Braavos and now Arya is in Braavos. I think it's quite possible with Arya suffering from some serious wounds and wandering around

Also he is a wanted man in King's Landing (and elsewhere but King's Landing is where he will definitely be recognized).

Isn't Jaqen not even a real person though? The person who's been dicking around in Braavos with Arya lately could just be wearing his face cus that's who Arya met.