
So what was their justification for shutting them down?

I'm fairly sure most places have a ban on smoking in any kind of environment where people work. So if a private club has waitresses or serving staff it wouldn't be allowed.

That's because you're a bootlicking coward.

One of the cops literally said they don't want to help Kenny's dad get rid of the homeless people because they aren't minorities and the only reason they joined the force was to beat up minorities. So how is that not criticizing cops? Cops have been pretty thoroughly depicted as racist and corrupt in South Park.

Yeah I definitely think that was a purposeful shot at how schools have started calling the cops for disciplinary matters now. Something that used to get you detention now gets you arrested.

How do you know what happened if you weren't there and there is no video? Let me guess, you automatically believe the police even though they have been PROVEN to have lied about shootings to make them seem justified like in the case of Walter Scott who was fleeing and was shot in the back. The cop lied and said he

The funny thing is, in the episode where ShiTpaTown started, it was originally spelled CtPaTown. For some reason they changed it after that episode, but if they kept it the same it would actually be the "CPT"

Here's what happened with the kid after the cameras were off:

1.) Posting in a comments section is not "a review"
2.) As you can see, you don't get to have a "shtick" for your "reviews" because nobody knows who you are or what the fuck you're talking about.
3.) You're not funny either.

They're getting old.

One of the reason the main kids use the term gay to mean lame all the time is that real kids do as well. One of the main goals they had when originally creating this show was to depict kids as they really talked.

I have literally never heard that and that doesn't sound like a direction they would go.

He's being sassy. Kick him in the shins!

I doubt it, they probably have some kind of license. If you were allowed to give away liquor without a license I'm sure bars would try to have "free beer with meal" deals or something like that to get around pricy liquor licenses.

Haha i just posted pretty much the same thing. He even has a dumb fedora-ish hat.

I was kind of blown away that the limit is 220 lbs. That seems low! You could just be a big solid dude and not even obese and you'd be barred. I was expecting 300+ lbs to be the limit.

That guy is a definite redditor who probably posted on that fat hate/shaming subreddit. He's got a stupid hat that he probably thinks makes him look super cool and suave, he's probably a gun nut libertarian and he hates fat people despite being pretty porky himself. 10 bucks he's also an MRA.

Man I really loved Nathan's "Can you change that?" and "And you picked that sound?" lines. Such a masterfully subtle manner to undermine and mock that tool for his "I'm a hard man who deals with reality, you gotta face it bro" attitude.

It would almost certainly be illegal to serve alcohol to customers at a retail store without at least a temporary event liquor license.

I think bumpcollege is the small penised marketer from the yogourt poo episode.