
That is really strange… He did more promotion prior to this series, including appearing on Kimmel and Seth Meyers and then had that big billboard campaign. You would think it would have remained at normal levels at least. That is basically half of the normal ratings. What gives? Hopefully next week picks up, I'd hate

He's definitely still a white guy pretending to be Asian, which is part of the joke now and works extremely well. Because after all, Trey is a white guy pretending to be Asian as he voices the character. It's a whole meta joke on what an offensive stereotype City Wok guy is.

There is a SoDoSoPa or two in almost every major city in North America. Matt and Trey may have been specifically referencing the RiNo and LoDo districts of Denver. Specifically RiNo which is basically just like SoDoSoPa.

You're right that this is how it's presented on the whiteboard in the show, but it really should be SoDoSoPa because it stands for South of Downtown South Park, much in the way that in Denver you have RiNo (River North) and LoDo (Lower Downtown).

You don't care what side they take yet all you talk about is how you hate PC and they weren't hard enough on Jenner and PC culture. Right….

No, it was not a cheap shot at people with Tourette's. After it aired that episode was praised by the Tourette Syndrome Association (who were really against it before it aired). See that's the thing, you're not smart enough to get this stuff dude. Go watch Family Guy or something, it's a little more your speed.

I gotta say man, I really think South Park is just going a little over your head. You're not getting the nuance and layers. You're the exact type of fan Matt and Trey hate.

Stephen Harper, while a far right bastard, is to his credit, an actual serious politician. Trump is just buffoonish clown trying to drum up publicity, probably for a new Glenn Beck style TV show he'll launch when this is all over. He has no intention of becoming president and won't win the nomination, I guarantee you.

I think "they are both sort of about immigration" is the type of level he's working on.

The Kyle stuff is a joke on the fact that people have accused South Park of being too "preachy". Also, traditionally Kyle's speeches are what make everybody in town realize how crazy they have been acting and how there is a moderate position that works better than both extremes fighting each other. Without those

You're surprised they don't like Trump? You obviously know absolutely nothing about them.

"Wahhhh! They aren't attacking the people *I* disagree with enough! Wahhh" Get over yourself. South Park has always attacked both sides. You obviously don't understand it. They have spent the entirety of the show attacking extremes on either side of any issue and you think the problem is that they aren't being extreme

Why do they need to roofie prostitutes? They all know what they're there for. Also none of the other girls seemed similarly affected. It read like "This is what happens when you do Molly for the first time!" and the other girls were seasoned drug users so they could handle it.

I'm going all in and saying this season is terrible so far. If it wasn't the 2nd season of True Detective and instead some new show I would have turned it off halfway through the first episode. Total snoozefest, dull, uninspiring characters and setting, bad casting, convoluted plot….did I mention it's boring?

I'm going all in and saying this season is terrible so far. If it wasn't the 2nd season of True Detective and instead some new show I would have turned it off halfway through the first episode. Total snoozefest, dull, uninspiring characters and setting, bad casting, convoluted plot….did I mention it's boring?

Yeah that was truly groan inducing. There was a lot of borderline cheesy dialogue last season but somehow it all worked. This is just crap…it's taking itself way too seriously and not delivering.

I'm impressed by your ability to care enough about this boring POS to remember the names of the characters.

Considering this was the 4th episode of the season and we had the legendary 6 minute shot to end the 4th episode of season 1, I knew they were gonna try and pull off a similarly big cinematic wow moment to end this episode and try to match that intensity. And man…that was not a good attempt. A cookie cutter street

That scene was way too long anyways. It was like a 5 minute long monologue. Way too expository.

Hopefully it's not a rip off of LA Confidential cus nothing can touch the way that movie pulled it off.