
Hasn't this show always been like that?

She is probably a turtle otherkin.

Totally deserved it.

They have a lot of freedom to fuck up the prison but I don't think they can put maximum security prisoners into a minimum security facility and get away with it. Nevermind the risk to the other prisoners, maximum security prisoners could be serving life sentences and thus way too much of a flight risk for a minimum

Are you seriously talking about the turtle being thrown back into the lake? You're the reason people don't take animal rights activists seriously.

They might recognize it as a setup but would they care? Considering all the work they would have to do to prove it (how would you do that) I doubt they would bother.

Yeah even Oz which took place in a maximum security prison with all hardcore violent criminal characters had to set the show in an experimental open concept unit called Emerald City to allow the characters more interaction and freedom. Otherwise you just have a bunch of inmates in lock up 23 hours a day.

Whaaaat? Aleida is a horrible person and a horrible mother. I'm not giving her some kind of bullshit pass because somehow she "wants to do right by her kids" (whatever that means). All I saw was selfishness. She even ripped up her daughter's artwork because she's a selfish bitch who didn't like to see her daughter

Soso is not mentally ill. That was the whole point of the Healey vs Berdie thing. She's understandably sad because she has no friends and is feeling really isolated and is in prison. She's not clinically depressed. Healey just throws pills at it instead of just talking to her like Berdie was doing. Berdie's method

It really is like summer camp. Probably the softest prison ever filled with the nicest prisoners who all pretty much get along and are like sisters except for minor disagreements.

That's kind of bullshit. It's not like the other characters were all noble poverty stricken kids stealing food to survive in the flavellas of Brazil. They had other options. Flaca for example had a normal middle class lifestyle and wanted to sell (fake) drugs to make money for expensive clothes. I don't see how that's

Uh, no. He got the blowjob and then turned her in anyway. He never said he wasn't going to either. Fig totally deserved that, she's a piece of shit and I loved that moment for Caputo after seeing the way she treated him all season like her dog. It was great seeing the tables turned.

Just because she is running the business unscrupulously in prison doesn't necessarily mean she would do that on the outside. She is doing these things because that's how it works in prison. I don't think we'd be having this same conversation if it was Red doing (and it was Red's idea to fire Flaca). We'd think she was

Fair and humane treatment? They literally do absolutely nothing but wear underwear. Piper does all the work and takes all the risk. I don't think flavour packs are a great wage but it's prison and their "job" is to do nothing.

To be fair Caputo never said anything like that. She just went for it and he didn't stop her and stood there dumbfounded.

How is Flaca a proven leader? She tried to sell some fake drugs and immediately got caught and that's about it. She was never in charge of a "family" in prison and flunks on that test they had to write. The whole thing with her was that she thinks she is somehow special and destined for greatness but her life is

No way is Caputo anywhere near as bad as Healey. He's flawed but generally a good guy. Healey is a scumbag.

I actually think that was pretty smart to fire Flaca, and it definitely wasn't Piper's idea. It was Red's. That scene happened right after Piper asked Red advice for running a scheme in prison like this. Firing Flaca made an example out of her and made it clear to the rest of the "employees" in the panty business that

I honestly don't get why people hate Piper more than the other inmates. She is not the most likeable character but there are others much worse, yet she seems to get all the hate from viewers probably because she is white and comes from a privileged background.

The idea that just because this is mainly a show about women that you can't pay attention to male characters at all is pretty silly. I for one am interested in Caputo's back story and how he got to where he is.