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    Can you dislike a comment? No one's forcing you to read this column. I think it sounds awesome and look forward to going through the history of film, so I will be reading

    Come tomorrow, I'll be on my way back home!

    Does anyone know if these will be stand-alone stories or will they tie into the overall story of the title? Like, will #23.2 have anything to do with #24?

    Haha what?

    I don't understand it either. It's like people have to like this album in spite of themselves.


    You ever read Kirby's 2001: A Space Odessey series? It's fantastic. Machine Man crushes

    Bob K, that's why I make the Lebowski comparisons, and ultimately why I like it so much. Think about all the people who come and go in that movie. Martha Vickers is Bunny, the patriarch is Mr. Lebowski, the nihilists are the pornographer and his crew, Lauren Bacall is Maude. Not sure who librarian is though. Maybe the

    Nope, the best is clearly The Big Sleep. It's The Big Lebowski with Bogart as The Dude!

    Yeah! I was wondering if the departure had anything to do with the recent commercialization of the site! Fight the power Tobias!

    I agree, I just became profoundly sad. I've been reading this site since I was in college and NCC was always one of my favorite features. I never would be as big of a film fan as i am now if it weren't for you, Scott. Good luck!

    Is it better than Days of Heaven? Bc I saw that not too long ago (my first Malick) and thought it was so good that any of his other movies probably couldn't hold a candle to it.

    I 100% agree about the hero-worship throughout the movie (that scene of Chastain yelling at Coach is the WORST) but I did actually take the last scene of her crying as a questioning of whether it was all worth it. I thought that was as autobiographical as Bigelow gets (killing Osama is her winning the Oscar for Hurt

    What's the consensus on Marr's Modest Mouse years? I absolutely love that album, did Marr have alot to do with the songwriting?

    This is such an awesome idea I wish they did this. Imagine?

    Did you give it a listen, Heller? Curious what your thoughts were on it.

    Haha face it, Nabin has been a phoning it in for years

    You're not wrong, Llewyn, you're just an asshole!

    In a Cutlass Supreme. With a Chicken Supreme. SUPREME!!

    Nice baseball analogy. I guess what I was getting at was that the half-hours could never replace the hour longs for that exact reason. If the culture of tv is cyclical, as Todd says, I am certainly not looking forward to a time period where the hour longs are boring and derivative and the half hours are mind blowing.