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    I'm with CronenBurger, Sam's Town is fantastic. Give me Why Do I Keep Counting? anytime, anywhere.

    This has nothing to do with Clint Eastwood
    Are you guys going to cover that Alice show on SyFy? Looks like it could be cool.

    Am i alone…
    In absolutely loving the shit out of Speed Racer? Sure, the kid and his monkey were pretty lame, but you can't beat those race scenes.

    Recaps, please
    This show is amazing, especially if they continue to develop the mythology. Please keep recapping!

    Brand New
    Best album of the decade: The Devil and God are Raging Inside Me

    Agreed with demons, Devil and God is a better album, but holy shit if Daisy doesn't hit you in the mouth like a ton of bricks.

    More importantly
    How awesome is that Em song in the trailer?

    Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man

    Weak Ep
    Not only did it have South Park's wrestling plotline, but it also had curb's date someone in a wheelchair subplot.

    You know what?
    Nacho Libre wasn't that bad. I believe in science.

    Does anyone else find Janis unbelievably annoying? Her making fun of German history, then being a wet blanket the whole time? Why not pursue the crow lead at the end? She seemed angry with Mark for making her look stuff up.

    Brand New?
    No review of the new Brand New album?

    I was reading your post, zetes and read up a little on Suzuki and he looks awesome. Where would you recommend beginning? One of the "masterpieces" you call out or another one maybe?

    It's about damn time
    that Koechner got some recognition. He's often the best part of movies he's in, even terrible ones like THE COMEBACKS

    I agree! I've always wanted to read some Pynchon and if you guys do it, I'll have the excuse! I don't really know how to think on my own.

    Help please
    I'd like to delve into this collection because it sounds awesome, but I have literally never heard of any of the movies. Which ones would be good to start with? They've got that 5 for $50 deal, so I'm willing to take the plunge.

    I was there too, ba. Unreal show. I've never seen anyone command a crowd the way he did. Everyone had their diamonds in the air.

    Shuffle Songs
    Don't you just scroll to "Shuffle Songs"?

    I've never seen this show, is it worth picking up? I love most Adult Swim programming (especially Tim and Eric), and absurdist comedy like Stella, but I've never really heard much about this show besides the name.

    In related news…
    Did anyone see The Observer from Fringe during the All Star game last night? Shameless, Fox, shameless.