
Monsieur Douchenberg,

No, but giving a celebrity a pass while slaying a Fox News commentator is a hipster meme.

Wow. Head in the sand Herman. Head in the sand.

This thread seems out of place.

In defense of Dads
While most get whipped up into an anti-O'Reilly frenzy on this board, they should take a more sober view than O'Neal and admit that he's right. A child is at a massive disadvantage without a father and it seems righteous to push back at single-motherhood being a societal norm.

Oh, Philouza is also one of the strongest sketches in the Mr. Show vault. I agree that Siamese twins is among the weakest.

leonard's insouciance
I can't share your insouciance toward the UN member state of Kuwait and its people. While you may quibble with Gulf War I's costs/benefits, you certainly should rise above calling it a "pointless war in the Middle East".

cozy relationship
Should Podesta (who is the head of the Center for American Progress — a Democratic Think Tank) be so cozy with journalists, or more importantly, vice versa? Is this further evidence of the media's leftward bias or is this sort of thing par for the course in DC? Political insiders please tell me.

"kernel of truth"
Pardon me, but where is the purported "kernel of truth"? If there is any truth in this bluster, it's certainly not near the kernel.

I posted this after reading only the preamble. The AV club even tried to prod her toward the center…

'her assertion last year that Tea Party protestors are "racist rednecks"—have made her a favorite target of right-wing hate'

decent questions until…
"AVC: Having spent so much time in New York, do you miss weather—in the most general sense of the word—living out in L.A.?"

parker article
Oddly enough, gawker (and now the AV club) warped Parker's column. Please read the original and find where Obama's surplus of African blood is mentioned.


I would like Limbaugh to either moderate his tone (I hate the word "moderate" but I can't think of a better one), or to stop pushing himself as an intellectual leader of conservatives. Once Republicans get their house in order (become electable again), our political system will actually work. Nothing is gained

Some are but many aren't. You need to be a little less cavalier Mr Oink.

Stewart's only problem is that he resorts to sophistry when a discussion gets heated. That of course elicits delight in his audience and he appears to have won the day.

I hate to defend Limbaugh because I tend to think of him as a gasbag but this post is a little much, particularly:

remember when…
Four of our sharpest Miami minds parodied Roy Orbison's "Oh, Pretty Woman". They were sued. They won. (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wik…

west coasters?
Can you redo everything for us west coasters? I'm not just talking about replaying the transcript…give us a fresh encore. Please.