
progressive = united colors of bennetton ?
AVC: Why do you think other shows have been so slow to mix up their staffs in that same way? You take someone like Jon Stewart, who seems so progressive, and yet the composition of his staff doesn't reflect what his politics would seem to be.

" 'til " ?? Where's the editor?
Please cease using " 'til ". "Till" has been in usage for > 800 years. It is older than and therefore not derived from "until".

Tosh >> Tesh
I don't know how Noel Murray enjoys the insufferable Joel McHale. His delivery is smarmy and he is not sharp or intelligent whatever. It boggles my mind this love affair.

You won't even miss me a little bit?

I don't dismiss Republicans as "brainless warmongers". It's far too sweeping. Sure it is true in some cases but it's a strawman designed to paint political opponents as evil. It's lazy and I don't like it one bit.

Please. This is a post on a "newswire" portion of the blog. It's meant to be news. It doesn't need the smug sting administered. I'll accept "numbnuts" but not the "jackoff" moniker.

phipps = journalist?
What is with the condescension in this post? First, his songs seem to revel "brainless warmongering" but this news indicates he's actually a Democrat, ergo he's now a good guy. It's glib to intimate that Republicans are brainless warmongers and that Democrat supporters somehow are on a higher

"frequently lends his voice to animated films"???
The verb "to lend" seems quite misused here. Yes it can be synonymous with "to contribute" but its most common usages give an expectation of either getting back something of the same value or with a moderate interest. In any case, he sells his voice and doesn't lend

Andrew2. You missed the mark and would miss the other mark too if you had your shot. My comments don't justify anything.

Yep, I'm serious BayAreaDM. I guess you are serious too. It must be that people with different views than you think the world is coming to an end — must be. There can't be any other explanation. It's a FACT as you point out.

AV wackos
"Believing that the world is doomed anyway must explain why those people voted for Bush."

I think Spurlock is a hack who fell into a good idea with 'Super Size Me'. He's not particularly intelligent, funny nor rigorous in his work. I don't begrudge the guy for this at all, I just think we should immediately fall out of love with this man and look elsewhere with our entertainment dollar.