
Why the venom?
I'm a fan of Armond White, because no matter how much I may disagree with his reviews, I always find him entertaining. And his positive reviews of some seemingly disreputable movies have actually led me to some surprisingly fun movies. One of my favorite time wasters on Thursday afternoons is to read

When Doves Cry
No Appolonia? C'mon!

I'm gonna have to re-read We3. I remember enjoying it well enough, but everyone else I've talked to about it thinks it was one of the greatest comics ever. I must have missed something when I breezed through it.

You've gotta be kidding me
I've been avoiding this movie for all these years cause I thought it involved Sarah Jessica Parker and cops on boats, when in reality it was an insane titty-fest? Son of a bitch!

"I love how people ascribe real world cultures to an obvious fantasy world. "

"it's a little like hearing that Adam Shankman has been signed to direct a film remake — not a continuation, a remake — of The Wire."

It was stapled back together. While dancing with her, Bob Vance (of Vance Refrigeration) asks "are those staples?" and she says yes.

Music for My Mother
I guess this came out in the early nineties. Great Funkadelic 2-disc set.

If you wait til the end of the credits, there's a short scene showing Deadpool survived.

Tracy in whiteface
I can't believe Rabin thought the Liz-Tracy storyline improved upon the similar one between Tracy-Jenna. Has he forgotten Tracy in whiteface with the dinosaur claw? Nothing this episode was nearly that funny.

I love that Grizz called her "Beth." Maybe their mashup name would be "Grizabeth"

Hey patsie,

dub it off ya man, don't spend those 10 bucks
i did it for the advance, the back end sucks.

Children of Heaven
Children of Heaven was a fantastic movie.

Yuk, is they rappers or stripper males?
Out of work jerks since they shut down Chippendales

getting it out of the way
Where's Wallace at, String?

Love the new DOOM album, there was one hip hop album that made me feel this way last year: Heltah Skeltah's D.I.R.T. When was the last time you heard of a rap group going away for ten years, then coming back BETTER than before?

Nice cliffhanger
I'll watch the next one.

New ep?
Where's the dispatch for the latest episode? I thought it was the best one of the season.